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EDL #20
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Match: Istari vs rodik
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flag Istari vs rodik flag
Type:elimination C
Referee:flag kicia
Date:2004-10-26 15:00
Maps:w/o, w/o, w/o
Scores:w:o, w:o, w:o



2004-11-06 04:27 
Istari is the strongest player in that group, not to mention Istari is very known in the community, he should advance !
2004-11-01 06:03 
This is completely ridiculous if you ask me.

When forcing a game you should always investigate a bit more to figure out what was the cause of that late schedule.

Now let's hope the admin will admit his mistake...
2004-10-29 08:28 
Sucks! If you ask me. Play the game. This game shouldnt be a w/o! There are other occastions where w/o should be more correct. In this case it looks like Istari really wants to play, and tried to play. If this game is not replayed, it sure is very sad for whole edl tournament.
2004-10-27 13:08 
like last year...
EDL crew hasnt thought it through well enough :/
Many inconsistencies.
Also, every player has to realize this is an ONLINE tournament. U can't get ping 10 whenever u want. This waiting for better ping is just ridiculous. Try next day ? ok. But day after day after week after week ? Come on...
And it appearantly is not only 1 player that does this.
Istari, if they decide to not let u advance, ill give up following this tournament without hesitation. I'm on the virge of quitting q2 all together forever. Thought i'd follow this EDL 1 more time and then delete q2 to never return.
Mb my q2 days will end sooner than anticipated... :/
Btw, can u post those demos vs Ivers ?
2004-10-27 11:28 
So, there we were, this Saturday, admin found, maps eliminated, both players ready to go. In all fairness I have to admit that at this point that we were there on rodik's initiative (he challenged me), so he DID want to play this game as much as I do. Unfortunately, after a lengthy server discussion, we decided to play another day since rodik's ping wasn't so good.

[23:09] <Istari^sjuk> is your ping normally better at gamepoint?
[23:09] <Istari^sjuk> maybe we have to play some other time...
[23:11] <rodik1> yes
[23:11] <rodik1> normaly
[23:11] <rodik1> is 60 70
[23:11] <rodik1> i think its better i takl with u
[23:11] <rodik1> when my ping is better...
[23:12] <rodik1> can be Lu[as?
[23:12] <Istari^sjuk> ok
[23:12] <@Lu[as> sure
[23:12] <rodik1> soz all
[23:12] * rodik1 has left #rodik

And he never did get back to me. I can't say I actively tried to get in touch with him either. I don't think anyone is at fault for that. Maybe his ping hadn't improved yet?

Anyway, Monday evening, two days later, I see our match being forced in the topic for the next day, which happened to be the very same day I was scheduled for a hernia operation. I knew there was only a slim chance I would be able to play, and after the operation when I was back home I tried to find rodik and ask if we could change it. He was not on IRC. So, I decided to tell an admin that there was no way I could play.

[20:29] <Istari^sjuk> hi, guess i should tell someone that i can't play my edl game vs rodik tonight (as forced in topic)... i've had a hernia operation earlier today and just sitting up hurts like hell... so gaming is out of the question for me. guess i should've seen it earlier, but i haven't really been much on irc the last days...
[20:31] <Istari^sjuk> i haven't told him yet because i've not seen him in the channel either... it's quite possible that he can't play either...

After that, I went to rest some more. Losing track of time, I got back to IRC at about 21:20, and rodik had already disappeared. At this point syanid pm:ed me and pasted a conversation he had had with mikko earlier. The conclusion was:

[21:20] <syanid> (22:20:08) (syanid) but anyway, 2 possibilities, rodik said he can play on friday
[21:20] <syanid> (22:20:21) (syanid) so it will be either re-schedule on friday
[21:20] <syanid> (22:20:31) (syanid) or w/o for rodik
[21:20] <syanid> (22:20:35) (syanid) it's up to lucas to decide

Nothing to do but wait then. Lucas never did answer my pm that day, and the next thing I heard was:

[16:38] <syanid> it'll be w/o says lucas

The fact that rodik said he could play on Friday didn't seem to matter in this case. It may surprise you to learn that I'm not in theory against enforcing the rules in all cases. But there is a problem. First of all, the rules are stupid. Scheduling forced matches in a way the players have no control over? I'm normally able to play pretty much around the clock most days, but this "rule" would be even worse for someone with a tight schedule.

Then I asked myself whether this might have been my fault. What should I have done to avoid this? The obvious answer is that me and rodik should've played earlier so the game wouldn't have had to be forced. But wait, we already tried that! So what else? Tell in advance that I couldn't play then and try to get the time changed? But wait, I DID that! I never even saw rodik before it was time to play, and maybe it was my bad luck that I pm:ed Lucas about post-poning it rather than some other admin. I still want to know though for the future, what should I have done?

My next train of thoughts was: "so what if I get a loss by default, maybe it doesn't matter that much? If I win all my other matches I should theoretically at least be sharing the first place in matches, and who advances to EDL will be decided in some other manner." Alas, someone decided giving away 9 free points (and missing out on as many) isn't enough punishment for a w/o, no, for every map I also get -1 points (and for some odd reason I seem to be awarded -2 for each map I w/o:d), dropping me to forth place in this group, with no chance of winning. Check out the standings in group C. Then take a look at total frags, total deaths, and netto. See anything weird?

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