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EDL #20
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Match: warrior vs Lucas
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flag warrior vs Lucas flag
Referee:flag syanid
Date:2005-04-18 14:00
Maps:q2dm1, ztn2dm3, fury, q2rdm2, match1
Scores:1:17, 10:15, 36:7, 13:12, 1:17

Here we go again! First game for a long time and it just got getting better map by map. All-mighty Lucas removed dm2, dm3 and ptrip and Warrior responded with q2duel5, match1 and q2rdm2. That left us with the one and only q2dm1, ztn2dm3 and fury, which was the first fury I've been admining in this league.

Battle takes place in ergo and pings are at the moment 33|33. No whines, no nothing, just fast start. Both players get stuck on every corner of the map and are jumping like stones in pants. Looks to me like they haven't played for a while, which I'm sure was the case. Lucas really didn't give much chance to Warrior here and it was - I think - just a warmup map for both.

Ztn3 starts bith different if I remember correct, Warrior takes control. Both players are getting hang of the game and we see some nice rails on both sides. Nothing spectacular in here, just typical game from 2 top players. Warrior however was lagging a lot and I had to hold game couple of times. Lucas wins 15 to 10.

Fury starts with warrior control. He frags Lucas one time after another and Lucas doesn't seem to have any weapons in his backpocket to break Warriors control. Warrior shows no mercy in here and beats Lucas so hard I was able to hear how sweat and tears were dropping from Lucas's forehead. Warrior wins!

So now we are in 2:1 situation for favor of Lucas. He asks Warrior what map to play(which he didn't have to ofcourse since he could've chosen map like he wanted) and Warrior wants rdm2. So rdm2 it is.
Warrior controls the beginning of the map while Lucas is just fooling around. He gets in to the game after a while tho gets stopped by Warrior after his 12th frag. That brings us to Era of Warrior. He frags Lucas one time after another and ties(!) game with 2 minutes left. Lucas is running away and avoiding Warrior all he can and manages to take game to overtime. Luck runs out in the first minute of OT when Warrior show's us how to blow Lucas's ass in pieces with few nicely aimed rockets. Game ends Warrior wins!

Now Warrior gets to choose map and he chooses match1. I have no idea why, since in the game he was powerless agains Lucas's allmighty gaming. However I didnt see much of what happened beacuse I went to brush teeth and Kicia was observering those 2 rascals for me. Anyway, when there was about 7 minutes left on the clock Warrior desides that game is over and nothing to do, Lucas has won. We stop the match and that's it. Lucas continues on LB and Warrior is out. Bye bye Warrior was nice seeing you play. Concrats Lucas and good luck for your future challenges. VGG with good playoffs score 3:2.


2005-04-20 09:26 
Eh, is ergo really a good choice for 2 polish players?
2005-04-20 06:25 
classic, great classic
2005-04-20 05:30 
plz upload demos :]

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