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EDL #20
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Match: Damiah vs fpS
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flag Damiah vs fpS flag
Referee:flag syanid
Date:2007-01-29 15:00
Maps:q2rdm2, ztn2dm2, ptrip
Scores:44:3, 23:2, 48:11
Demos:q2rdm2 « Damiah, ztn2dm2 « Damiah, ptrip « Damiah

Report for damiah - fps, 1/4 final on edl#4

I got the honour to admin this game since the admin team of this season was unavailable. I gladly accepted because I knew I had nothing else to do this evening so I joined the server I was told and started speccing. Fps must have been in need of warmup because he was playing some warmup rounds while everyone else was ready and waiting on the spectator mode, but nobody was in a rush so he was let to play in peace. Atmosphere was extremely pleasant and everything went on so smoothly after we started. But enough of this prologue, lets see what happened in the game...

Damiah picked q2rdm2 and ptrip while fPS decided to go with both of ztn maps, starting with the number 2.

First map of the game was q2rdm2, one of the strongest maps for Damiah. (does he have weak ones?) Countdown, ... 3...2..1..GO!
Fps spawns to the best position of the map, at the railgun. With the help of the spawn he brings Damiah down two times, making the score to 2:0 in favour of him. I don't know how those frags happened because I was too busy setting up the scorebot, but after that was done I got back to spectate the game. Damiah must have got railspawn after he died for the 2nd time and he soon puts couple of well places slugs in the head of fPS and score starts to change dramatically. It does not take too long for Damiah to build up a ten frag lead and things are certainly looking too happy for fPS. He makes some little mistakes such as missing a jump to rail when he had a chance to do it in peace and those mistakes are not propably the best way to bring him back to fight for the victory on this map. However fPS does get Damiah killed a little later, but that does not help him very much because Damiah spawns at the railgun and denies fPS the chance to control the map. It does not take too long before Damiah puts a slug on to fPS's face and continues with a destructive chaingun fire, only to run out of bullets when fPS is down to 1 health. Fps is able to escape from that fight but he dies just a little later after Damiah has collected some bullets to finish him off. Spawnrape scenario continues and when Damiah has gained his 27th frag fPS starts to wonder if there are any weapons on the map? Damiah must have found some, because he has a railgun in his hands, chaingun on his back, rocket launcher and super shotgun in his pockets and maybe even BFG10k somewhere hidden, but of that I am not sure.. Fps gets his happy moment of the game with a handgrenade kill at the jump pad, but Damiah does not want to see him smiling and shreds him to pieces with a chaingun just seconds later. 2nd last and Damiah's 42nd frag comes from "almost" an air rocket when he kills flying fPS with a rocket blast damage from the MH pad, thing that makes Damiah smile a bit, I guess hes everlasting fewer is making him more chilled than he usually his. Damiah wins 44:3 and that is all I have to say from this map.

Second map of the game is ztn2dm2 which starts immedeately after first map has ended. Damiah gets the rail spawn while fPS spawns at the red armor. Fps quickly catches the RL close to him and he "controls" the map for the first minute. RL is also the weapon he uses to kill Damiah for the first time and with the help of that frag he gets even better control of the map. He misses a great opportunity to make the score to 2:0 when he chases Damiah with hyper blaster, missing almost 60 cells, from which 2-3 would have been enough to kill low healthed Damiah. You just CAN NOT miss an opportunity like that with an opponent like Damiah because he is not going to give you those chances too often. Damiah is able to steal the red armor and megahealth, and it does not take long before he has 200H/200A under his belt and 3:1 fraglead over fPS. Fps is sneaky enough to steal RL from Damiah and taking him down on health, but Damiah still has the magical rail he used in rdm2 already and hope for 3:2 changes to 4:1 when Damiah puts a slug through his throat. Damiah keeps on his normal game and takes his lead up to 7:1 after 5 minutes. Fps is able to kill Damiah at this point but he dies when Damiah makes a fierce SSG attack just seconds later. Next thing worth mentioning is fPS killing both Damiah and himself with GL and how he continues using that weapon for a while after that. He spams those grenades all over the map keeping his distance to Damiah and when that tactic finally gives him some results(he gets the RL), he immedeately dies to Damiah's rockets. Next sad thing for fPS happened when he cratered at the RA area and his score went down to 1 frag again. He is able to make his fragcount back to 2 with a railgun kill, but is unable to make one frag to two, because Dami puts on his chaingun and cuts him down with it giving no chance for a comeback. Next thing that happens in this map is Damias rail: point'n-click, point'n-click = frag, frag... Score for the map is 24:2..No sorry 23:2 because Damiah who has a bad day with rocket launcher blews himself with it just few seconds from the 15 minute mark. Game over and 2:0 maplead for Damiah.

Third and the last map of this playoff game is ptrip, the mother of spawnraping. The most horrific spawnrape scenario does not happen here however because fPS is lucky enough not to spawn more than 2 times in a row to a same place. But I am a little ahead of the things, I forgot to mention how the game start. Damiah got the railspawn and after picking that up he gets his hands on the red armor. Fps spawns at the SSG and he goes straight for the RL after picking up combat armor and SSG. Both players wait for the red armor to spawn again and then they appear on the main square of the map, RA area. Damiah drops down from the 2nd floor spitting bullets from his chaingun. Fps tries to hide from them behind the pillars next to the armor and shooting rockets from there. He does not manage to do that too well and he ends up just blowing himself up and giving Damiah the ultimate control of the map. After 1:30 min score is 5:-1 for Damiah, after 2 min it is 8:-1, 3min: 11:-1... You got the point what's going on. Fps does get himself back to 0 after 7:30 min played but Damiah just simply kills him again and continues his routine, shoot fPS, shoot at spawns, collect RA, collect RL, shoot fPS, shoot at the spawns, shoot at the spawns, shoot at the spawns... *YAWN*. Excuse me. When score is 44:1 I decided to check how are the accuracys of the players and they are as follows:
Damiah: rail: 21, chain: 26, rl 28.
Fps: rail 21, chain 22, rl 26.
From this result I conclude that the accuracy in this map is not as important as the basic idea how the map is supposed to be played. Damiah does not have that much better accuracys here to explain the score of 44:1. Fps gets some comfort in the end of the map when he hits some important rails and rockets, making the score eventually to 48:11. Players say "gg" and disconnect. Game over, Damiah won and continues to semifinal vs zorre/wision and fPS is out. Thank you fPS for taking part of this season of EDL and better luck next time!

The end.



The end (for real)!! x)


2007-01-31 16:26 
emo emo emo emo emo emo
2007-01-31 06:57 
2007-01-30 07:19 
yea very nice report Sya ! emo
2007-01-29 15:56 
nice syanid!
2007-01-29 15:52 
6:55 to end
Damiah 31 : 1 fpS
Name: Damiah

Blaster: 0% GrenadeLauncher: 0%
Shotgun: 0% RocketLauncher: 28%
SShotgun: 40% Hyperblaster: 0%
Machinegun: 0% Railgun: 7%
Chaingun: 26% BFG10K: 0%
Grenade: 0% Total: 26%

btw who predict Damiah vs ztn2dm2 0:1 emo

2007-01-29 15:40 
gg both. very nice report syanid, thx for admining the game emo
2007-01-29 15:35 
Nice report, syanid!
GG both players
2007-01-29 15:34 
This was the 26th game in a row won by Damiah. Who will stop him?
2007-01-29 14:14 
as all expected
2007-01-29 02:50 
2007-01-28 21:35 
In FpS we trust emo
2007-01-28 03:44 

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