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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
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Match: e^ vs MPS
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flag Eden vs Maniacy Pewni Siebie flag
Referee:flag Claymore
Date:2000-03-09 10:21
Maps:w/o, w/o
Scores:w:o, w:o

When we start first map (q2dm6) nothing wasnt showing how it will end ...
Till ~8 minute of first map everything looks fine but after that server get start act weird, many packet lost and playing there become very hard ... Few minutes before map end MPS gets some problems with their squad/pings on servers (not only on this lagged like hell server) and after stormy discusion on irc they decide to give w/o.
Imho this all shouldnt end like this ... but thats not my problem.


2003-09-18 11:03 
coz u wanted laugh at us ? lol . if stupidnes had wings u would be eagle ...
why im writing bullshit ? coz i wrote how it was from my side ? u 'little bit' overestaminated ur level ow mighty feeble if u want to talk about it use gg /my number is in mps.aq.pl / or irc
2003-09-18 10:41 
coz I wanted to laugh at you
btw. stop writing bullshits cause you're showing how dumbass are you
and I won't fight with you cause I don't want to talk down to your level
chill out and peace off
2003-09-18 04:33 
Feeble so why u write anything ? this is topic about match not about ur childhood or filings to guan
2003-09-17 16:51 
2003-09-17 14:36 
nocri : fuck off dude . I see you can't read comprehensivly [ze zrozumieniem - bo pewnie nie wiesz] . I wrote about barteq & guan not about yesterday match.
btw. eden made bad decision imho , they should give MPS chance to play in other term , but I still don't know details about the game
2003-09-17 13:21 
axel we our connection (mine & guan) was so fucked up that we cannot even connect irc server or gg coz pl was around 90% while match has started they were only 60% so irc wasent the problem any more and stop talking that we r 'zalosni' (u even dont know whos is that in english thats sad ) coz we want a fair game. think about it coz we gave u a fair game 3/3 and ur 'pointlust' wont allowd to play this game in normal conditions and one more Feeble if u werent on a match dont speak a word coz ur pathetic
2003-09-17 12:56 
ch1ill everybody? All players from eden have 30 to 50 p , then what are you talking about ? ;]
Eden behave like a 10 years child , he saw ping of mps players, and they do nothing to play with the same skill (ping).
They answer for question like " Maybe we may play this match in other time? " is " No we can't, we play now second map, or w/o "
it's pathetic :\
2003-09-17 12:45 
omg buehehe n/c
I only wonted to play fair , good game with clan eden ( on good pings and no pl ) but you didnt agree to change term - THATS THE FACT ! why ? you were scared .. of what ? loosing ? .... who knows.....
2003-09-17 12:40 
first of all I wasn't yesterday on a match so I didn't know what's going on
secondly : why did you put this link here ? are you so excited that you won with us once ? anyway I don't rememba this game AND PLEASE stop doing things like that [ guandi, barteq] BO TO JEST KURWA MEGA ZALOSNE z waszej strony i wiecej nie powiem bo nie chcem was obrazac EOT
2003-09-17 12:36 
feeble look on guan post - on the link - and dont say anything else ok ? 4 me you are funks ! otherwise you would agree to play in other term , but the truth is that you didn`t , easy points 4 you ( so dont fuck that we take game seriously ... , but you did )
2003-09-17 12:35 
... didn't use the wildcard ;]]]]]]]]]]]]
2003-09-17 12:34 
"feeble if your clan dont take q2 seriously so why dont you agree to play match in other term in normal conditions ?" guan ! you want play in this term you choose the server and you didn't the wildcard, so what you are talking about ?
2003-09-17 12:30 
feeble if your clan dont take q2 seriously so why dont you agree to play match in other term in normal conditions ?
2003-09-17 12:27 
lol axel

ur right everybody has a dreams.... in normal emergency ( with me, nocri ) eden would be destryed
2003-09-17 12:25 
barteq : "I can bet 50 $ that mps will defeat eden anytime."
lol stfu man . you behave like a 5 year old kid .we don't say that we will crush you cause it's stupid and childish . after winning with BoD you think your MPS is good . lol . nothing more to say . no respect 2 u . I see you take this game too seriously
2003-09-17 12:05 
"I can bet 50 $ that mps will defeat eden anytime."

"I am 100 pr shure that we would win with eden and earn new points ."

każdy ma marzenia ...
2003-09-17 11:31 
"strange that eden had ping around 50-60 and in the same time ouers was 100-120 :/" yep u wrote that read yours 1st post :] , you have to read yours post few times and then write something

chlopcy nienervovo ;]
2003-09-17 11:25 
1st TALK ENGLISH or fuck you !
2nd "nie moj problem jak nie macei pingow z domu " lol n/c it was server , not ouers connection ! so stfu if you dont know what are you writing about ! .
3nd From my side that`s all . We will se in next match which team is better , I can bet 50 $ that mps will defeat eden anytime.
2003-09-17 10:29 
barteq you are very crazy, "strange that eden had ping around 50-60 and in the same time ouers was 100-120 :/" LOL ?? , sorry but i have ping close 250 so zm
2003-09-17 10:07 
what a dumbass :/ remember how you behaved that day and than write such a silly comments and pliz do not compare shitty summer league to euroq2l.i remeber that we played 3/3 coz one of ur m8 overflowed.we shouldn't do it, but we did. greetz asswipe
2003-09-17 09:34 
yeyeye everybody have the same lags so what u talking about ? pings... hmmm we asked You when u could play [ chyba z 5 dni wczesniej wiec mogliscie isc do cafe nie moj problem jak nie macei pingow z domu ]so what is the problem ? ye we should give u a chance but i asked u on irc when u could play 2nd map, quan talked that u give w/o so ... eot A CO DO TEJ BZDURY "i am 100% sure that if eden were in the same situation as mps , mps would play that game in later time." juz byla taka sytuacja masz demko na ds wiec nie wcipkuj mi tu
2003-09-17 09:19 
imho eden should give mps one more chance. afaik we play this game for fun so what is the problem ? reschedule this game. i am 100% sure that if eden were in the same situation as mps , mps would play that game in later time. let the fair play win :]
2003-09-17 09:11 
Thise game was one BIG mistake , during the mach came Knysza asking if we are lagged becouse there is some problem with new servers . And we were ! pl every 3-4 second , one time i jump to rail and second i am in lava ( strange that eden had ping around 50-60 and in the same time ouers was 100-120 :/ ) .No way to play good match in thise emergency . To bad that we can`t play thise match in other term becouse I am 100 pr shure that we would win with eden and earn new points .

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