dm1 took by lm, it was like 3vs4 cose twinman isnt probably q2 player ;], i even say odium vs eg, cose pmastah and sir got awake about 5m before the end of game, it the begining it was close but eg manage 2 make a 40 frag distacne 90-50, i thought it will be ownage but pmastah woke up and helped odium fragging :], when scorewas 118 - 98 eg lm, ergo gibbus again jumped off and closed map this time keeping room and lift <-- that pos was clear almost 20m cose most warz were at room and near water :] gg both
dm5 by eg; 1st quad was taken by odium but in 1-2minutes eg made their own sectors of map :] and started fragging, in about 10m 2 end of the game "don istari" came in so the substitue was maken twinman>istari. till that the ra room was all the time keeped by lm and eg players were guarding quad with rg'z ;], many timez 2-3 lm players were at ra room cose map was closed by rail keeprz and quad runner :] so even cg+ra couldnt help it, few quadz were taken by lm but they quickly died. last of the donz :] da istari lost ra room just 30s before the end and game end by 2:0 eg lm gg girlz