No admin available for this game so I "admined". I also played so a bit hard to give good info on happenings. Started off with bk's choice dm3. Started with strong Solaris start getting both invu and quad but bk fought back pretty fast. Solaris held themselves mostly on upper lever bk doing annoying grenade-interference from lower level. Xiro dropped about 6 mins before mapend but I didn't do "time" since it was practically 3on3 anyway. Imo Solaris managed to win this with better quadcontrol and 2-3 invus picked.
Then Solaris map dm8. Started with Solaris getting pretty much control over powerups and most important weapons. I picked the first 2 PS's but died instantly coz had low health and bk's grenade-interference worked well again. I also took the 3rd PS which was the turning point of the map. After that it was mostly areacontrol and frag frag from Solaris part. Although bk also got ~2 PSs but they were killed pretty fast. So 2-0 to Solaris, GG [bk].