DM6 (tp4, bfg0): 2.0 got a first quad and they also got armor control. After 2min 2.0 had 15frags lead (24-9). 2.0 controlled whole map and score was 55-12 after 5min. Next 5min went also in 2.0s control so after 10min score was 106-43. Next few minutes were even, both got quads, lm got little more frags than 2.0 so score was after 15min 131-83. 2min left score 106-148 to 2.0. Finals score 165-113. Pretty expected score from this map. Like i have said many times, this is 2.0s homemap and they are very strong on it.
DM1: (tp2) lm got rail and 2.0 room because of first spawns. Then ck server started to lag and we had to change server. New server was harva. At this point score was 35-34 to 2.0 and 15min left, so we continued on harva with tl 15 and 2.0 had 1 frag lead. This time lm got room and 2.0 had rail. After 5min score was even 31-31. Lm had now rail (all 4 were there), and 2.0 controlled and tried to chain them from room. Next 4min were lm's they took 25frags lead and they still had rail control. In last 5min lm didn't let 2.0 make comebacks. Actually lm's lead was ~30 frags rest of the game. Finalscore was 113-76+1
Dm7: (tp4) 2.0 got armor control and had few frags lead after first minutes. But game was tied after 3min 27-27. lm also got armorcontrol so they continued fragging. In few min they had 15 frags lead. 15 frags lead is nothing if you lose armor like they did, next few minutes were 2.0s and game was even again after 7min. Suddenly 2.0 had 20 frags lead. After ~10min scorewas 97-85 to 2.0 and they had armorcontrol. 7min left and pmastah cleared whole armorarea with hyperblaster. After that there was a big even war at armor. Both clans attacked as much as they can. 4.30 left score was 121-144 to 2.0 and 3 of them kept armor tightly. Last minutes there was 20 frags difference to 2.0. Finalscore 178-162
Dm2: (tp2, bfg1) In first 4min game was pretty messed up.
Noone kept anything longer than few min. Well xircuit got quads, and with 3rd quad he cleared whole ra lift and done it again with 4th quad :). 5min played score 38-27 to lm. After this 2.0 made their base to ra lift, but lm controlled sg area and chain. so 2.0 didn't get full advantage from RA-lift. 2.0 got almost all quads thanks to karpo and xircuit. But lm still kept their ~10 frags lead. Next minutes were booring 2.0 had lift and they took quads and lm just killed them, same story minute after minute. 4.30 left score 100-85 to lm. map ended and lm won 129-111.
dm5: (tp4) last map was dm5 with tp4. Lm got BA control. and 2.0 had rail/quad area. But damiah took a second quad and cleared BA area with quad. After Damiahs quadattack they swiched sides, 2.0 went to armor and lm took rail/quadarea. Nassal took 5th quad and cleared RA area. Now lm have RA-area and they also controlling quad/rail area. SO after 8min lm had 25 frags lead. lm took all quads and istari controlled RA. score was 84-38 after 11min. Then i went to ircing, and when i came back prayer was on armor, dunno what happend but 2.0 made a small comeback. 7min left score 94-51. but over 40 frags in 7min is too much, specially when lm took all quads. 5min left and nassal done it again, took quad and cleared RA-area. But PRAYER took it back in few seconds. Last 5min they just played, coz 2.0 knew that they already lost. Finalscore: 83-143
What can say, 2.0 always second :), Better luck to clanbase final :). Little server shit in the begining, i can't say that i totally agree with clans servers, but if clans wanted to play on ck np to me. But in the other hand lm got pretty nice ping advantage on dm7, when odium and nikodemus went to spec and prayer and mikke came in. But this is useless, game is played and lm won 3-2. GL to next season!