i was playing it so gonna try 2 write something from my pov:
dm1 - sYnth choice, at the begining mHs seccured the water are and room, then sYnth made come back but! after few minutes mHs cotnrolled the 2 main areas again! Crucial were the last 5 minutes or more when sYnth managed to comeback and get the bigger lead
dm3 - totally owned [was suprised here] by sYnth, thought mHs gonna guard the quad and mess around but sYnth menaged to get most quads and assasin kept railgun room well so the map lockdown was unavoidable.
man of the match - [sYnth]Mik ? why? cose he played on keyboard+mouse but! no mouse buttons, he had 2 bind attack and jump on keyboard! Men, u should watch those crazy rocket jumps by him ;]]]]]]