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Anticheat2009-01-27 13:12 | wision
There have been a lot of caught cheaters lately, and EuroQ2L admin crew decided that we will not accept behavior like that. We want to ask all participating players to read the following forum post about forcing anticheat in the leagues. We suggest that you test your q2 on mentioned IP ( and if you are not able to get in the server, clean up your quake2 directory or if the problem lies somewhere else, you can contact me (wision). In near future we will make a list of allowed servers (with same settings as the server mentioned before) for the league matches and any matches played on different server than allowed one will _not_ be accepted!

EDIT: Games from non-anticheat servers will be accepted if both teams agree to play there. However, in such case no complains about cheating would be accepted from either clan.

2009-02-11 07:19 
Cheimera: Haha-ha! You yourself say that: "... think wider for once and stop asuming ..." and now, what you are doing is only covering your ears & mumbling Quake2, Quake2, Quake2... Funny from you. I'm not telling you to play these games, I don't care that you only have quake2 or maybe other million games on you pc. I'm saying that there is no game (at least I cannot come up with anything at the moment) that has not been changed since it first came out. Not mentioning the influence of "the games" scene to the envolment of that particular game.
Oh wait, maybe its too hard for you - let me help you out. I'll just give you single word; CHANGE.
Change = good, this is what happens. Most things do change in the process, day to night, morning to evening, 11am to 11pm, your hunger grows when not eating, even you change every day - you get older, etc. So does Quake2. So step out of the "box" yourself & think winder man. Irony, eh?!
2009-02-04 15:08 
i can say only that not cheats rule the Quake2, but skill.

So anticheat will not changes anything in the top seed of teams )
2009-02-04 00:29 
Yes AlexyeNov, it's boring to play vs cheating scum so yes, better AC/hashfiles are most welcome.
2009-02-03 05:51 
Quake2 is too bore now? No motivation? Ok. so we need to make some restrictions for more fun emo emo
2009-02-02 09:48 
stayut i dont give a shit about other games, i give a shit about this one, dont blame other games stick with this one. ty
2009-02-02 06:35 
Cheimera: Name me a game, well I dont know before 2001 maybe.. where you can just install it & connect to the server without any troubles? Even game developers themselves make (minor) updates all the time - to make the game more beautiful, faster, intresting etc.
I know I hate that game, but I'll hold myself back and still bring this example: Have you ever heard of the game Half-Life? Namely the modification to it: Counter Strike. I bet you have (atleast I hope) - well I have a hl 110.. something version + cs version 1,4 on it, cd. I haven't touched it for ages - and ever will, but take a guess if I could just install it & run online? I cant! There are sh*tloads of updates I need to download, not even mentioning the steam system, I bet nobody even saw it coming back then. What the hell, right? I dont even want to mention the look of "my" version & the verison now. So what I'm saying is that uhmm.. only treest stand still emo ok,ok rocks too (though earth moves around & you call take it as mo.. - agh #&$. sorry), but people evolve and so do.. <fill in the blank> emo.
2009-02-01 19:57 
maybe because plq2 admins have admin rights on all servers teams play on? read what i said..
2009-02-01 19:13 
it works quite well in PLQ2, hmm smthg like for a last 7 years now ?
2009-02-01 18:47 
we don't have admin on all european servers, so this wouldn't really work.. and for the database.. there are lot of players with dynamic IP, that's also works bad for that idea :/
2009-02-01 18:43 
.... maybe u should start with smthg easy, fe 1 admin for each game, at least at the beginning to check ip's ..... 2nd thing, such thing like ip's database would be nice, in these way u could stop all these fakes emo
And its not only about "the team" ...
2009-02-01 14:47 
nice defence
2009-02-01 14:41 
"Idiot tw, that who cares just nubs cheating was a fucking joke, ironic you know, learn it might get handy for you"

Oh, so you are saying I wasn't sarcastic? Now THAT is ironic! lulz
2009-01-31 14:23 
It's not that bad as you say. I still don't think that nubs will use Q2 with everything modified right away. And downloading and installing anticheat from the page mentioned when you connect takes 5 minutes. R1Q2 (and some other not that nub friendly clients) is also available through that page.
And what would a random player think about the scene if he comes a server where someone cheats? I guess that's not good for the scene either.

Edited: 2009-01-31 18:12
2009-01-31 12:55 
yeh but d34d what about the nubs i was talking about the nubs not connected with the scene in anyway, the once not interested to be apart of the scene, they just wanna play some random mix games on a server where there are people, they have to go throught alot of things just to get to the server. downloading irc maybe find the right people to talk to, do the help thing, what if no one got time to help them? they gotta wait a couple of days to be able to play? register to scene page and pm an admin that might not reply for several days. do you see my point, its to much to do. That wont give a good first impression about the game and the scene. Its to hard even though its everything feels and seems so simple for you guys been in the scene for ages, think wider
2009-01-31 12:04 
The news is about anticheat and I said my opinion.
2009-01-31 12:03 
Looks like he didn't read my posts too...We're not talking about anticheat here _dead...And yes, cheimera is a noob emo

Edited: 2009-01-31 12:04
2009-01-31 12:03 
I wasn't refering to you, but to "noobs".
2009-01-31 11:57 
d34d ive already applyed to what you wrote there to me. Clearly you are not following this discussion from the beginning so i wont repeat myself
2009-01-31 11:54 
I agree with wision that dead bodies are used in gameplay so they shouldn't be removed. And that grenade bug is fixed.

Cheimera, you don't need to mess with your Q2 all the time. It clearly says what models you should remove and that's it. If you still can't find them, then ask for help! And in the end you won't feel much of a difference and will be able to play safely for the rest of your career. emo Many noobs asked me for help, and I helped. Now they can happily play safe.

And, rl, why search for an admin when you can force anticheat and those cheaters won't even get on the servers?

I'm for forcing anticheat on as many servers as we can, and teams should have a right to play on one. Except those cases where there's no other solution and both want to play on possibly better pinging servers (as I mentioned xs4all, chefs or other).
2009-01-31 11:54 
That the scene is getting smaller and smaller is kind of normal, you cant change that.

I am not saying its ok to cheat, but iam saying stop effecting a game, and do changes all the time its getting annoying just because there are a few inviduals that are cheating. By solving one problem you make a new problem.

that bodie thing i hope never gets remove, that is q2 and thats how its always been done. i always aim for a bodie on the floor if opponents around, this is a part of how q2 is beeing played and alwyas have been.
I even think kamikaze is a part of q2, and its not a cheat its just a bug in an 11 year old game. let it be. STOP CHANGING STUFF or we will have to rename Q2 to Q2.5. all the major bugs the biggest problems are solved imo. The game works fine as it is.
2009-01-31 11:22 
funny thing is that after almost 11 years there're still some bugs/problems which makes q2 still alive although scene is getting smaller and smaller each day...

Edited: 2009-01-31 11:38
2009-01-31 11:11 
oh.. now i see what you meant.. well. that really differs on how players think.. you think it should be removed (i also dislike that bug).. but some people think that it's how q2 should work, since it worked like that for years
btw.. opentdm fixes it: http://www.r1ch.net/forum/index.php?topic=1646.0
2009-01-31 10:51 
doh, somehow i didn't finished my last post lol...

-"kamikadze" - killing your opponent who...has 100/100...it's like for example: i'm rushing with cg 100/100 and you have only hg and 100hp, you just throw this hg (you can also type 'kill' at the same time) and it kills both of us...And as far as I know it can be fixed somehow....For me it's cheating too...And what about 'dead bodies'...they should be removed imo. It's just unnecessary inconvenience...
2009-01-31 10:37 
"We dont have aa big problem with cheaters."
just because you don't know about them, it doesn't mean that they are not here.. you are practically saying that cheaters who don't get caught are allowed in the scene.. that's just wrong

"As *rl* said the cheaters will be found anyway"
not all of them.. and it's getting boring to chase them down

"-"dead bodies" on whole map"
somebody thought of disappearing the models right after the player is killed (like in q3), but as Pogo pointed out in that discussion, dead bodies are used in gameplay (throwing a grenade in the body so it explodes right away) so it's not that good idea to remove them.. anyway. in q2 there cannot be unlimited number of dead bodies on the map.. they just start to disappear when there are let's say 10 dead bodies on the whole map..

"-"kamikadze" - killing your opponent who"
unfortunately that cannot be avoided.. but we can stop cheaters so?
2009-01-31 10:33 
dead bodys everywhere, yeh i know what you mean haha me + rocket + corps haha = dead but that is kind of a part of the game. Kamikaze what do you mean by that?
2009-01-31 09:53 
Also I can easily tell you two things which are also / even more frustrating then cheaters (which are so easy to detect and eliminate like I already said) and those things are:

-"dead bodies" on whole map
-"kamikadze" - killing your opponent who
2009-01-31 09:17 
d34d now you asume they all gets q2 from that careems installer. Many of the nubs that ive meet on the server have alwyas got an old q2 or they just have got it from a friends ftp, same things with paks. Wich means its not the original models.

And d34d telling that you dont understand what model i want, means you haven read it all. I dont care about the fucking models, i care about this messing around with q2 aaalll the time. We dont have aa big problem with cheaters. As *rl* said the cheaters will be found anyway, there is so much olschool people on the servers that recognize a cheater easily and as *rl* said, the communicaton between the servers and the admins on irc is good.

2009-01-31 08:27 
You are wrong about noobs not being able to play. Firstly noobs don't tend to use modified models cause they haven't seen the original models yet. Secondly there's Careem's Q2 installer which works right away when you download it.

And I don't get it what modified models you want. Isn't modified skins, sounds, textures enough? Some models are also allowed in order to make the game playable (for example rocket explosion). If you want to modify everything else then it won't be Q2 anymore!

Thus I say the only reason why this would be negative is those outdated servers which ping good for most (xs4all, chefs). Cause games wouldn't be accepted from them. Anyway this is still a matter of discussion and any reasonable opinion will be heard.
2009-01-31 06:11 
I guess it was muerte who didn't read your posts cheimera...What's the point of your post muerte? Cheating in official matches, YES great idea... People aren't stupid/blind...And what about cheating in pcws/pickups...Trust me, comunication between server and irc(where you can always find some admin who can ban that ugly cheater) is very good...
2009-01-30 21:29 
muerte perfect!
2009-01-30 20:57 
don't worry "wision and his gang" wont ruin your stats on http://acstats.r1.cx/
as u can see stats is better in last few days (old one http://muerteq222.googlepages.com/leaders.JPG )
and u will always have mhs karim servers where is possible to play without anticheat and models check with wall hack and aimbot
2009-01-30 19:56 
even if its just for eq2l, it still applys for the servers chosen right?
2009-01-30 19:12 
ofc i did! emo it was just a replay to your prev. post tho. and i totally agree with you about these original models, they suck! And it's really stupid decision for me too. But since it's just for eq2l...you don't have to be a part of it if you don't like the "rules"... q2 is dying and wision and his gang makes q2 much 'harder to play/install' (like you already said)
2009-01-30 17:08 
you dident read a singel word i wrote did you? imagine youself trying an old game lets say UT, and you have to start posting shit in forums the first you do to get the shit working and then waiting ofr answer just to play an old game? people wouldent put down all that work just to play an old game and you know you wouldent either probably. And also you have to register to the q2scene. all this just to get into a server? wtf come on emo
2009-01-30 17:05 
sure cheimera but there's a thing called 'forum' and i think everyone knows how to use it...so every problem can be solved on forum be some wise quaker...
2009-01-30 17:02 
oooh how can it be so hard to understand ffs. I am talking about real nubs, maybe people not apart of our scene or irc or doesent even want to be. Not talking about me i can get that done np i just use help from some1.

But if the nub just wanna play, and he gets in these troubles to get in a server. how the fuck should he figure out what to do, i suppose he wont and thinks fuck it ill go back to CS... Thats an example, think wider for once and stop asuming every1 knows what to do or who to contact etc etc.

And dont asume this guy gets his hands on an original q2 or the pak with the rights model. you guys are just asuming and asuming all the time...

Edited: 2009-01-30 17:03
2009-01-30 16:56 
If u cant join then u automaticly be kicked with reasion...
Example: modified models/weapons/g_rail/tris.mds
U go to your pak and delete that shit, its not so hard isnt? and u still will have ur old q2 with textures, skins, sounds etc...
2009-01-30 16:26 
then he should kill himself or maybe he doesnt know how to do that either...
2009-01-30 15:03 
idiot what if someone cant change the files, i am speaking in a wider aspect here ffs
2009-01-30 13:55 
so cheimera nub prefer play against cheaters than change some files, gg
2009-01-30 11:52 
Idiot tw, that who cares just nubs cheating was a fucking joke, ironic you know, learn it might get handy for you emo

and zdufs, what are you gonna do about players that doesent know how to even create a new map in windows? Your making it to complicated by adjusting things ALL THE TIME. Get the point.
2009-01-30 02:23 
N1 Jannis :p
2009-01-29 16:54 
Haha, nice1 TW emo
2009-01-29 16:14 
Cheimera 2009-01-28 17:20
"TheWretch, fuck it who cares just nubs cheating anyway"

Cheimera 2009-01-29 14:37
"dont you think i would be good if i fucking cheated? i suck how da fuck can i cheat?"

emo emo
2009-01-29 14:21 
nrk i also have bright skins, names textures ... and works like a charm emo
2009-01-29 12:51 
lol lol jannis... i deleted only g_rail/tris mds.2...
And all bright skins, timers, textures, sounds left and works perfect.
2009-01-29 10:07 
cheimera i did read all the posts here and on forum... still i dont see the problem of forcing ac and models. i have custom pak and i get on the server with np. so you will have to make a few adjustments and maybe you wount even notice them emo
2009-01-29 08:37 
zdufs yes i am a cheater, dont you think i would be good if i fucking cheated? i suck how da fuck can i cheat? And if you would have read my posts they kind of clearly explains why i am so negative (wich i suppose you did before speaking). So why do you ask?
2009-01-29 07:13 
i dont understand you cheimera, why do you whine so much. you have spiked models or something ?
2009-01-29 04:52 
Well, if they don't supply their models they can only blame themselves and then have to revert to original models like they would anyway if only originals are allowed.
So adding just a few custom models would still be better than just hashing original models imho.

I for myself actually don't bother if you hash more models than the originals or not, since I play with originals :p
2009-01-28 20:34 
i think i use jou's pak hahaemo
2009-01-28 19:35 
but everyone else maybe dont wanna play like you have done the past 8 years, then why cant every 1 play like i have done the past 11 years? same thing emo

Edited: 2009-01-28 19:36
2009-01-28 19:33 
Hmm, I didn't have any problems joining that server. But then again I have original Quake2... everything.. The only thing I've done is, that I've colored my models on som paintshop pro 8 years ago to neon green and white. emo Works perfectly, should work for everyone else, too! emo
2009-01-28 17:26 
if there are not going to be hundreds of models, then there will be still a lot of people failing the model's check which would make this idea not really useful
2009-01-28 16:47 
Ok wision, fair enough.

What about just setting a deadline (soon) and check the submitted models? I can help out if you want. I don't think there will be hundreds of models, and if there are... just skip this idea :p
2009-01-28 12:05 
TW: it's not possible because you won't get all the people to send you their models and there will be always somebody who will send it later and later... and how bothering it would be to the server admins to upload new configs all the time? and let me repeat that it's not possible for me to check all the models people woud like to use..

mad regent: didn't you quit q2?

cheimera: that i already explained yesterday.. admins don't want cheaters in euroq2l.. doesn't matter if it's div1 or div2
2009-01-28 11:20 
TheWretch, fuck it who cares just nubs cheating anyway emo
2009-01-28 10:32 
Not possible to make a hash with _all_ models? Time for R1CH to fix that then? :p

When ppl stop cheating in a 11 year old game I will stop bitching :p
Mad Regent
2009-01-28 09:34 
But... but... It's like I use cheats even without cheats.... emo
2009-01-28 08:12 
TheWretch why not stop bitching with a 10 year old game already emo. Its like poking the dead guy in his chest with a stick, fuck off! emo

"What is the admins opinion about extending the hashlist to include models held as similar to the originals or non-cheating models?"

HMMM. me and raskal got interested in that hashlist, may we be apart of it?!

Edited: 2009-01-28 08:13
2009-01-28 07:40 
as long as you can use lame clan names i'm happy!
2009-01-28 05:31 
"What is the admins opinion about extending the hashlist to include models held as similar to the originals or non-cheating models?"

it's not in my power to check hundreds of models people would send me, to check every one of them, and make a hash of each file.. it's not even possible to make a hashlist with _all_ the models, so there would be still people who would 'whine' about it
2009-01-28 03:01 
In the old days mouse was considered as a cheat too! emo
2009-01-28 02:20 
About time someone points the need to use the AC to it's ~full potential. Atm many servers 'support' anticheat but still people with 20 etc. modified objects can freely play there. So yes, I'm all for tighter AC-control..

And like TheWretch said, if you don't know how to fix your Q2 I'm sure some friendly Q2er will be glad to assist.
2009-01-28 01:39 
What is the problem Cheimera? If you don't know how to change models or can find someone to help you... well, then you suck emo Don't bitch about it, but ask someone to help you instead.

What is the admins opinion about extending the hashlist to include models held as similar to the originals or non-cheating models? E.g. high res models and those fucking gib models everyone seems to use?

(I passed "the test" on that server, but the only model I've changed is smaller r_explode I think. I hope that one will be kept allowed :p)
2009-01-27 20:30 
also i got in...emo no problem in my q2 i am not cheateremoemo emo

Edited: 2009-01-27 20:31
2009-01-27 19:31 
...oh, yes and fakenicks...
2009-01-27 18:58 
I disagree with all this. Let it be like it is.

Why we need changes in 09? There were a lot of cheaters caught? We caught only one with aimbot. Oh, yes and ventrilo hax.

2009-01-27 17:54 
i am nub ffs emo
2009-01-27 17:52 
Cheimera dont be njub
how to fix your nonstandard models in q2 without visual change emo
2009-01-27 16:25 
I got in, no problems for meh emo
2009-01-27 15:59 
feel free to fix my q2 optimizer and get it back with no visible changes np emo
2009-01-27 15:49 
2009-01-27 15:29 
kind of hard if you dont know shit about computers. Stop changing things and start playing instead.
2009-01-27 15:01 
standard models simply SUCKS!
2009-01-27 14:58 
cmon ppl OMG how hard to clean instandard models, it's not even funny
2009-01-27 14:23 
ahahahaha im a cheater emo
i cant connecct there coz i have modified models/objects/gibs/head2/tris.md2 emo

Edited: 2009-01-27 14:24
2009-01-27 13:51 
What is with this guy (wision)? Now everyone is a cheater suddenly?.. This is almost the same as the U.S goverment sees everybody as an terr or ist. Yes, lets take this game back to "stone age", no new models, no graphics - only software, no nothing.
(ps. Oh my god I'm a "cheater" - my skull model has been modified.)
2009-01-27 13:47 
cheimera emo
2009-01-27 13:18 
i cant get in so fuck that, i am not going to start fucking around in my q2 since i dont know shit about those things and it will all just end up with me fucking up my whole q2.

And all you fucking moron cheaters stop fucking cheating its an 10 year old game ffs!

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