Map: q2dm2
Server: Harva's Battle #1 no ace restriction||
KTA: Dimmu, Offi, Jou, Blacker
stop: pogo, ph, mobzter, shd
This map started out quite bad for stop and it continued until the end. KTA had RA lift most of the time, even when stop got it they soon lost it again. And most of the time Dimmu got the quad despite most of stop hanging out there. KTA played their best map very well and stop sucked at their worst map pretty bad. However, this is only the beginning.
Map: q2dm1
Server: Harva's Battle #1 no ace restriction||
KTA: Dimmu, Offi, Jou, Blacker
stop: pogo, ph, mobzter, shd
When I got in to server it was 3 minutes played from dm1 and score was pretty much tied to 22. I try to gather some info what is going on in here. Looks like Dimmu is trying to keep rail as usual but doesn't really have any success there. Stop also controlled room pretty well, so therefore they outscored KTA 35-15 during next 4 minutes. Ph is keeping rail very well here, and he also got rails to room so pogo and shd also started to frag there. And looks like stop really is going to rape KTA here. 10min left and score is 90-45 for stop. But like usual, just when I said that stop is going to rape them. KTA recaptured pretty much every position. Well at least room and rail. Next 2min were dominated by KTA frag difference went down to 25, so it was a nice 20 frag spurt from KTA. Too bad for KTA shd cleared room with hyperblaster and with some ssg shots, and that helped stop to stop KTA fragging machine, And frag difference kind of frozed for next minutes. Score stayed in stops 30 frag lead until clock reached 18min mark, when stop made sure that KTA is not going to catch them. Their little spurt gave them 40 frag lead, and finalscore was 168-124 for stop.
Map: q2dm7
Server: Harva's Battle #1 no ace restriction||
KTA: Dimmu, Offi, Jou, Blacker
stop: pogo, ph, reaper, shd
So map score was tied with 1-1 And 2nd KTAs map was q2dm7. Nice to see what is going to happened here. This map has been KTAs home map as long as I remember (with dm2), and on the other hand Im waiting to see pogos world famous SSG. Well if not world famous, at least famous in my eyes. So he should show some nice actions in armor area. Countdown started but reaper started to lag and we restarted the map. Second try... Jou had armor control after 1min, but he died fast. KTA still managed to keep armor area, while stop was at SSG and hmm RL wasn't in anyones control. Stop had a slight lead when ph killed KTAs armor keeper with his rocket launcher, but after he ran out of rockets and help didn't came in time, he died but right after that the help came in scouts uniform and Pogo nametag in his back, who secured armor. Score after 5min was 45-28 to stop but at the same moment they lost armor and blacker also seemed to control SSG. But then they died and then they recaptured and bla bla bla... what a crappy map to write report... Too much actions and turn a rounds, so Im not even try to write about every armor/SSG takeover. Anyways score after 10min was 84-67 for stop. Then again stops player overflowed and clock was stopped to 9.26 left. He came back pretty fast and game continued. At that point stop was controlling Armor, while KTA had SSG. Until, pogo went there with hyperblaster and with100 BA and cleared it. Stops armor control helped them to get their lead bigger .It was almost 40 frags in 15min mark. After that game got even again, both were getting same amount of frags. Only interesting thing during the last few minutes was can Dimmu get triple double. Which is a basketball term and means over 10 points in 3 stats category. He got GL 30sec left but he only managed to kill 3 enemies with it! His final stats were 48 kills, 41 deaths and 9 team kills! So one team kill short. Ah well final score was 184-131 for stop.
Map: q2dm3
Server: Harva's Battle #1 no ace restriction||
KTA: Dimmu, Offi, Jou, Blacker
stop: pogo, ph, reaper, shd
Oh right next map should be good, or atleast easier to me. And it was dm3 and it is stops 2nd map. Before the map Offi said something about lagging but countdown started so we were ready to go. Pogo got RL spawn but Blacker gave some SSG damage to him so he couldn't make RJ to invu, but reaper took it with next RL. First quad went to Dimmu but Pogo killed him. 2nd quad went to KTA too but it didn't seem to help them much. Ph was controlling rail area and had nice 15/5 score after 4min. KTA tied the game when it was 15min left. And KTA was on the roll, they got second invu and try to clear rail with it but little lack of aim stops railguys managed to escape and regain rail control when INVUL ran out. KTA was at SSG and stop was at rail. Game was tied again to 73 and next invul might be very important. Dimmu went to camp it about 30sec before it spawns. Stop tried to make invutowers but never managed to kill Dimmu so he got it. But that didn't bother stop, while Dimmu was camping invu stop got rails and started to frag KTA players and during the next 2min they took 15 frag lead and things didn't look good for KTA. But luckily Dimmu got next RL and cleared SSG and stop was out of railguns again. Game was exactly in same situation than in 5min ago before 3rd invu. It was almost tied (107-106) and 4th invu is about to spawn. This time Pogo is up there waiting it. Last time when stop made a spurt when Dimmu was up camping INVU, but KTA couldn't do the same, in fact it was stop again who made that spurt. Pogo got the invu and made little 15sec run with it, until he decided to jump to lava without any rockets. So there he was floating and desperately seeking free frags. 2min left and score was 152-126 for stop. And looks like they are on their way to top 4. Finalscore was 173-135 for stop.
Ohyeah was admin in 1st map, so he will add something about it later. In last 3 maps stop showed more skill than KTA and advanced to semifinals. GL to both clans. Only 2 games left before summerbreak!