i dont know whats ur point here isnt it obvious that i wont change my haircut just because some kiddo is scared ? shame that u dont have enough ballz 2show ur face
kolt: i saw but didnt remember right name of that serial . The main point that you understand my "fakenaming" of the serial. I proud of you! But still you look very dangerous to me ;]]]]]]]]]] haircut made it ;]
some edit: 2-3 others friom lmw are active but in the evenings on lots of non north europe servers they ping ~100-200 with hard doze of lp. Just unbelievable how nazz could play with such "nice" netgraph Btw, thats just facts i think polish clan especially Ag3 could say more, because i saw that he was fighting with his lags (i saw his moving frame by frame : it was like 2 4 6 8... etc everytime skipping 1 frame ) something like that i mean
dg could let me play whole 20min, but no that nub dcd 5min b4 the end :c and its not only like LT players had lag >_> ur 60 ping cannot be compared to my 98 ^^ and btw. spirit had 1yr break and i personally had like 2yrs break so dont complain about "ur 2main squad players" :c and who cares, whatever. gg
Agreed with SeiSM. We have just 2 active main squad players, but we dont want to leave this league so some "second squad players" are involved in the game. BTW i am not so bad at all. Just sometimes i kill all my team and after that i blew myself (that happend on dm1 ;] gg? ;]
kubi i wouldnt call this a "surprise" with such ping and only 2 main team players is good even they won dm2... no whine.. it became an usual thing to play in such conditions against pol clans gg