dm3: Game started off very even, with no team really controlling anything. Also, somehow everyone managed to forget invul, until finally Predator grabbed it after about 3 minutes. After 5 min score was 21-21, but soon thereafter ecf managed to lock down the map completely. sp got the second invul and after that it was merciless spawnfragging all the way by ecf, especially nice work by nite at rail. nWo managed to take rail a few times, but always got booted out again quickly by the quaded zipgun.
dm1: Similar story, quite even in the start with ecf at mega and nWo at rail. M_9_RA apparantly forgot to clean his glasses after the first map and managed to get -4 until he woke up. After 10 min ecf looked stronger, having a 40 frag lead and keeping room most of the time. nWo were focusing everything on rail, but it just wasn't enough to kick ecf out of the megaroom. A bit later nite finally managed to lock down rail aswell, making the second half of the game pretty one-sided.
Conclution: nWo put up a good fight, but they could only resist for about 10 min on each map before ecf's strong teamplay became too much to handle. GG and well played by both clans!