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Euroq2l #18
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Match: KPD vs [IS]
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flag Kiev Professional Demons vs Invisible Soldiers flag
Referee:flag Foen
Date:2006-12-14 15:00
Maps:q2dm2, q2dm1, q2dm6, q2dm3
Scores:110:144, 98:146, 146:88, 104:166

flag Kiev Professional Demons flag Invisible Soldiers

Mrph slapped me at irc and informed that their playoffs game against IS was about to begin, so I entered to server and made the first real reports for this playoffs season.

flag kpd picked dm2 and dm6
flag IS picked dm1 and dm3

So here we go, first map was dm2. N3xt got the first quad but died after 5sec. IS also got lift from the begining, BUT quad drop was on... restart :) For my defense, you can’t see is quad drop on if you are specing. And I didn’t even think that some server have such a crappy settings! Oh well, second try.

This time it was wdz who got the first quad but Marty made double kill with grenade and quad was dead. After successful start he ran to the BA-lift and started to camp until their real camper Parti got his position
Even tho he couldn't hold it too long. After 4min of play mg came with quad and took over the lift. And with a little boost he killed next kpds quads. Then I got disturbed by server admin for few minutes, when they said that l33 had some illegal files on his pc. Anyway after 10min score was 67-57 for IS. They also had BA-lift with full boosts and extra rails and bfgs. Mostly because of some boosted railers they also had better control over the quad. Fastly they extended their lead to 30 frags. And it really didn't look good for kpd. About 6min left n3xt miss jumped to armor and Marty was fast enough to get there first with rockets, but he got very unlucky. He shot 2 rockets through the lift
and was shotgunned by n3xt. Anyway martys effort helped kpd and they made 10 frags run until score evened again. At that point it was 20 frags game at. It stayed even next couple of minutes, but when clock hit 2min mark IS made a run and lead was back to 30, First map went to IS. Final score, 144-110


Dm2 was followed another small chat with BTF server admins. Apparently l33 had some illegal files on his q2folder, how ever they weren’t in use. SO he went to windows and deleted them and game was ready to start. So NO he didn’t cheat at any point!

Next map was dm1. It started out even too, kpd was holding lift and room, while IS was railing. As expected when to pretty evenly matched clans clash on dm1 game will be pretty chaotic. Game was tied after 5min and pretty much no one had control over any place longer than a minute. Or IS kind of had pretty good control at rail, but it seems that good old room camp still have some power left. I was hoping that kpd could hold room to keep this game even if not then ISs railers will take over the map and game would turn to pretty onesided. Score after 11min was 68-56 for IS, thanks to wdz who have done nice job at rail. Little by little IS was increasing their lead, after 15min it has gone to 20frags. And after 15min mark railing continued and lead was getting bigger. Last 3-5 minutes were totally dominated by IS. And in the end their lead was 146-98. motm wdz, even tho he said bg after the map!


After dm1 is was time for dm6, the worst map to write report after dm7. Personally i dislike this map, so don't really know who to follow, but i'll give it a shot.
IS got solid 8-0 start for this map, but kpd fastly tied the game with 2nd quad. During next couple of minutes IS only saw closing slugs and ssg shells in their face. They also got fast tourist trip around dm6 while kpd was spawn fragging them. Around 15min IS managed to stop spanfragging for a while but in next minute another trip around dm6 spawns started (extended one).This time it lasted next 3min, and kpds lead was up to 65-25. At 10min mark score was 79-43, so we were on our way to 4th map, which is going to be dm3. 10th, 11th, 12th minutes has gone by… only thing I can say, this was booring... after 15min kpds lead was 107-63, and absolutely nothing interesting happen. Even tho wdz seemed to have fun, about 30 lines of smiles. 2min left and kpd still had their 40 frags lead. And the final score was 146-88. And I can't agree more with wdz, "fuck this map" or "gaidys mapas", tho don't know what does that mean but I'm sure I'll agree!


But to get some good you need to suffer some. Next it was time for dm3! Parti got the first quad but died fast. Then he got 2nd chance to get powerups when he picked up RL and invu was still waiting its taker. Too bad for him he failed in RL-jump, and after that his teammate killed him with grenade. So invu went to wdz, whose invu run allowed IS to take next quads. IS had early 10 frags lead. After that game evened up. kpd was holding rail and did pretty good job at quad too, if they didn't get the quad they at least killed it right after it was taken. 5min left and it was invu time again! Let's see who is getting it. Without any fight from IS, it was kpd and mrph who got it, but while he was camping there IS lead was back up to 10. mrph cleared rail with invu, but he couldn't stop IS to take next quad. First I though his invu run was pretty weak but during next minute he showed he did a right choise. After invu was expired he railed kpd back to the game, actually he almost tied a game when it was 8 min left. Another player who did something worth to mention was mg, who first railed few kpd guys away from quad, and then took it him self and cleared whole map. That gave spawnfrags to IS and their lead was growing. When 3rd invu spawed, IS had 25 frags lead. Also that invu was taken by IS.
Looks like this season was slipping away from kpd or they needed something good to happen fast. 7.30 left and IS lead was up to 35. Their (kpd) only hope was the last invu, but would it be already too late. I'm afraid so, 5min left and 50 frags difference.
Marty got that last invu and he did some damage with it, but he failed to kill some IS players so weapons were fastly shared and IS was back in control. After last invu they just waited game to end. Final score: 166-104.


Over all, whine free and smooth game. Too bad other team had to drop out. But we are hoping to see kpd next season. And ofcourse gl to IS to next round.


2006-12-16 01:55 
THe server bot just block the user, because of frq2 files on quake2 folder. The only what that bot say: someone is cheating or were cheating.
2006-12-15 09:51 
"Still i was using nocheat so it should not have worked?" lol
2006-12-15 08:17 
great job
2006-12-15 04:21 
Too bad. I really looked forward to durby. gg IS
2006-12-15 04:16 
Sorry about cheats emo i did not know i had them, i think i downloaded q2 with q2ace to check it out, and that dll was in, but i did not know how to use it. Just forgot to delete it.
Still i was using nocheat so it should not have worked? I dont know...

About the game...I played bad had a bad day to start with.

I think we've been "lost" both on dm2 and dm3 and as usually bad on dm1.
I would say it was ffa play, i think more then
Also, i was really bored, had no motivation to play yesterday.

Edited: 2006-12-15 04:17
2006-12-15 03:25 
GGs IS, we have a bad spirit yesterday emo.
2006-12-15 01:37 
gg and nice report emo
2006-12-14 18:51 
"gaidys mapas" - Cock(rooster) map
btw really nice report Foen GJ!
2006-12-14 18:05 
good job IS. gl in the next round. emo

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