Jou: FFS hunt em we need frags!! raskal/cheimera: shut the fuck up we are leading... Jou: come on idiots we are loosin! raskal/cheimera: YOU FUCKING RETARD WE ARE LEADING!!! Jou: oh...
Well that was a weird game.. Yes Cheimera we lost that match due to all the whine. dm7 we had very even fighting, but then when tok got the places at 13-14min I think we all just gave up. Well wp Aone on dm2, I thought we were behind in frags and my teammates shouted that we are leading, it was a shock apparently for me that we played so well on dm2.
yeah, soon im gonna buy new one but yeah its really annoying when on every fast move of the mouse it turn off, i hope jol had same fun like me would like to see his demo tho
haha yeh i am dissapointed to, we fucked up dm1 while yelling at each other why we dident have bigger frag difference in the middle of the game and when whine was over they were leading haha . But we won dm2 wich was unexpected