With purri only able to contribute a few weap drops here, a few shots at opponents there -- his virtual absence from the match hits his team TWICE: his inevitable deaths ADD to v3's total and his most probable potential dm1 frags SUBTRACT from >play's frag total. Ouch.Sux.
At the moment I can only play 1 day/week and that is sunday (untill I get my own internet). So it would not be possible to reschedule the game and we rather play the game than give w/o.
Here are the screens and demos from my pov from this game. It's not worth DS, so I just uploaded them temporary for people who are interested or just wanna see why I couldnt play
Im currently without normal internet from home and I even went to my friends place to play this and a few other games on sunday. But his internet died 1 hour before this game and I had to go home and try my best since we did not have 4 without me. On dm1 I could run/walk sometimes, but on Dm6 I was pretty much stuck for the whole game. Anyway, without further adue I present you this
On these screens you can only see pings at the beginning of the match...It's not like in tdm, where you can see how people's ping is changing during match...And it was 3vs4 for about 10 mins on dm6...but dm1 looks pretty good...equal pings and tight fight...