i think it takes away alot if a clan is inactive or the players, in this case rage did well, cause wizards aint that inactive . Then again the other maps were pure rape.
Well my point is that I think it's a bit weird to be so positive about rage after they just lost all their games. They also lost to 3c who are not rly considered a TOP clan and not nearly as active as rage in eq2l. Rage been in euroq2l for long time. So ehm why would rage be top3 and not 3c or tok :d
Just because a clan or a player stops playing, it does not take away that in this example Rage did well. If Rage would for instance win this whole season, they are the best for this season. It's not their fault if other clans would quit or be less active.
rage is like the most active clan atm, i think they have a good chance to become top3 if they keep up. Since all the other clans and players are playing less for every year that goes.