maq picked dm2 and tok dm5.
Though dm2 was supposed to be the first map , clans started with dm5. Here tok showed how much better they were in tp and individualy. tok based themselves at quad not paying much attention to RA, which was inhabited by maq for first 10 minutes. Unfortunately for maq RA posetion didn't give them any advantage. Any changun attack on quad resulted in 1-2 rail hits and some ssg/rocket/machinegun finish. During first 10 minutes I saw maq grabing quad only once, and still quader didn't get out of the pool alive. Then tok took the ra, thus giving some space for maq to operate on quad. The one and only decent quadrun by maq was noticed once on minute 6... no more. To my mind tok's total dominance key was never rushing but trying to play it safe and allways outnumbering or 'outpositioning' attacking maq.
dm2 started with tok ra controll. So they played it from there. 20 minutes of RA posesion. maq had quad most of the time, defended it quite well, performed nice attacks on RA and seemed to be doing everything right, but never could make a 'finishing him' on ra lift. tok changed their lifter from time to time. Huge score by Ivers was made under RA where he spawnraped for the whole game not allowing maq to cut the lift-supply-line. Again nice safe teamplay here by tok.
Demos by Ivers and .