q2dm2 by v3 and q2next1 by BAM.
At q2dm2 BAM was granted with RA from the spawn. A single attempt from v3 to get in the begining failed and they decided not to hesitate. The cmapgorund got devided - BAM fortified at RA and v3 secured the quad. And it has been like that during the whole game. Imho v3 had a bit of bad luck on RA attackig. Was it either an unlucky RA jump or several perfect rockets layed by Blood and v3 was back at the quad position. At a point of minute 3 BAM managed to steal a quad and then steal another one gaining +6 frag lead. 40 seconds till the end both teams realised the drama of the situation, v3 with quad trying to make a final rush and BAM with RA trying to block it. The result we see on the screens.
On next1 v3 refused to play from the start. David and pepek were standing for first 10 minutes leaving P1mp and piecia helplessly jumping around the map. This kind of behaviour from v3 won't be left unnoticed by euroq2l crew.