o4f picked dm6 and f7 picked n1. deciding map dm1.
dm6 was owned by febl. He took almost every quad in the game... He usually came to quad first and more stacked than apkis thus securing the position. If febl was not availible, picza took the quad for him... Sensei was overpowering f7 at rail but scored less because was constantly atacked by green plasma balls from BFG, which became an outpost of resistance due to G1psy outmatching Real there. In the end apkis managed to make 2 quadruns which a little bit evened the score...
next1 was ruled by f7. o4f fragged because of the personal skills, but didn't have enough tp-experience on the map to turn the game around. So the outcome was f7 grabbing most of the quads and succesfully quadrunning the map. Like previous map but vice versa o4f managed to grab several last quads and even the score a little.
In dm1 f7 showed good templay and tactics ... at least I got that impression from Apkis demos. The main point in their victory was denying o4f on rail position. As soon as rail was taken over by o4f, the next minute there were 3-4 f7 guys in the water cleaning up. Both clans in fact had minutes of lockdown and map control, but f7 'minutes' lasted little longer thus securing a 2:1 victory...
are Apkis' dm1 and n1 demos from the game. The n1 demo is a lill fucked - skins are mixed so don't be surprised when apkis shoots teammates. Feebl dm6 demo