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Euroq2l #18
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Match: [r] vs folk
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flag rebels vs folk flag
Referee:flag biah
Date:2010-04-14 14:00
Maps:q2dm2, q2next1, q2dm8, q2dm7
Scores:111:104, 117:130, 117:100, 170:150

Rebels picked dm2 & dm8 , folk picked next1 & dm7.

q2dm2 stated with folk on RA and Rebels on quad. First rush didn't change the positioning so the game continued like that for first 10 minutes with a frag to frag resistance. Rebels didn't waste time attacking RA and thus made folk loose their caution. Then a lucky rail grab, several very nice rails from down under and Rebels climbed on top of ra-lift. Unlike their opponents , folk put constant pressure on RA and left quad in the hands of blind fate. During last minutes [r] managed to finally take the advantage of RA items and brought the game to a victory.

q2next1: first minutes folks were pulled by Niggy at chaingun and rebels had more luck at quad. After 4 successfull [r] quadgrabs NiGGy was finally pushed out of mega but folks had their first real quadgrab. Folks had good aim, good tactics but couldn't make a normal quadjump when needed. First Careem's quadrun happened on minute 12 into the game pulling folk out of the unlucky streak, then followed by another quadrun and folk were on top of the map again. Last minutes we didn't get any decent quad action but local fights where folk had more success due to better positioning and 1:1 in cunclusion.

q2dm7 started as a ownage by folk. They got the upper rail area and hyper positions... Inspired by an early lead they started fraghunt which resulted in overpositioning by Rebels and as follows powerup posesion by them... but only megas and RAs spawning there. To my mind first PS was taken by Dragunov on minute ~10. By that time score was practically even and positions were under [r] team. But Careem brought the intrigue back into the game by SSG to Dragunov's face. Rebels started over again and got their new PS which went to neon. Thus started a winning streak by Rebels. Then another PS and the fate of this round was decided. Despite the overal Rebels advantage, folk managed to avoid the rape due to personal aim and skills. 2:1

q2dm7 was messy ... positions changed constantly ... and Careem was lagging and whining about it constantly. Can't find any particularies in gameplay, but Rebels were leading due to Irvin hyper/ra runs, folk were following stationed at ssg/hyper to my mind. By the minute 3 till the end folks evened up the score. According to [r] captain Dragunov it was due to Soulblighter falling to an unlucky streak. A quick substitute during the game + neon's megarun = folk's comeback fell apart like a cardhouse. Last minute win by Rebels here and overal GG!


2010-04-19 08:44 
Careem got owned. emo
2010-04-15 05:24 
ggs and well play Rebels... good luck to you at your next match! I was sad that we couldnt play the 5th map...emo
2010-04-15 03:58 
gratz [r]
2010-04-14 18:01 
haha fixed the silly mistake ;]
2010-04-14 17:18 
GG Irvin on doing those rails on dm2 from obserever emo
2010-04-14 16:58 
weee, yeah, a lot of fun... to bad it didn't last a little bit more emo

maybe dm7 was a bad pick, but I can't say that we would won on any other map for sure... rebels showed that they are very skilled and well organized clan... you prepared very well for this game unlike us emo

I hope we will come back stronger next season with some fresh players emo

GL in half-final rebels... GGS!
2010-04-14 16:29 
I agree with dra.
I had lots of fun, especially in timeouts emo

GG folk.
2010-04-14 16:19 
Could have gone any way, every single map. At 15 mins noone might predict final outcome. Thats what I call good game.

Thank u [f] for ur sacrifices and relaxed atmosphere.

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