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Euroq2l #18
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Match: [rPWR] vs qwned
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flag rPower Team oldskull vs qwned flag
Type:DIV 2 A
Referee:flag biah
Date:2010-10-17 14:00
Maps:q2dm6, q2dm2
Scores:184:60, 208:60

[rpwr] q2dm6: Map started with several quadruns by qwned. AlexJ could not really gain advantage on quad without decent support from Masteris. Corpze was playing 50/50 on rail ... not giving it to enemy but unable to fully secure it. I (biah) locked down BFG and started giving away weapons. After that qwned were pushed away from quad were not really able to regain any control. Map ended with a spawnrape by [rpwr].

[qwned] q2dm2: qwned got RA from the start and controlled the quad area. Only corpze was really into the game under RA with a chaingun not letting any1 on the lift. Then at soem point I(biah) got controll of RL lift, first killed a quad then provided AlexJ with one. Unlucky jump to RA by qwned, a well timed quad ssg shot from AlexJ and [rpwr] takes RA. Several attempts to quickly regain RA by qwned failed, [amb] and corpze were able to eat themselves and take all neccesary devices also providing AlexJ with armor and guns. After that qwned could not really concentrate getting raped under lifts and unable to really secure quad. Finishing the job was easy for [rpwr].

I could explain poor performance by qwned only with osiris' mouse switching off during q2dm6 so duggz had to step in and play with lags. What goes for [rpwr], I guess those 'getting raped by div1' practice clanwars finally started to pay off.


2010-10-20 20:19 
nice description, wd Russian power. Damn i really like this clan, the line up its so strong and they all know each other very well. WELL DONE.

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