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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
Sign ups: off
Transfers: no
Players limit: 20
User's clans: on

More infos...2003-09-12 07:51 | Gravgon
As several people asked me about that on IRC I will clarify it in here.

You can only see 5 rounds in the schedules at the moment but there are more rounds. All clans from a group plays against each other and it should make the group matches ending around the 26th of November.
We only displayed the first 5 rounds to avoid having a big mess on the schedule page.

As for the playoffs: the 5 best clans of a group goes through.

That's it, I hope you're enjoying the league.
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Admins...2003-09-05 10:18 | Foen
I'm (Foen) moving to a new appartment on sunday, and it takes over 4 weeks to get connection back. So from now on Gravgon is supervisor and mobzter will be new north's headadmin.
1st round is almost played and noone have added his demos to demosquad, so plz share demos, there are ppl who like to watch demos.
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First round started !2003-09-01 05:17 | Gravgon
It is September the 1st and as it was planned the league can start off.

The first round for Nq2l and Eq2l is from the 1st until the 5th of september which means you have 5 days to arrange and play your first match (check the schedules to see who you have to play).

For Cq2l: as there are less clans and less activity, the rounds will last 7 days (from monday to sunday).
So you have until sunday to play your first match.

Good luck and Have fun to all clans !

- Don't forget every match need an admin thus you have to contact the head admins to tell the date of your game.
- As you can see the site isn't working properly at the moment, we are waiting for Claymore to fix it, the date will be displayed on the schedule page when he's back too.
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Some information2003-08-28 09:10 | Foen
Poll is over, and you voted against new maps, so maps will be dm1-dm3 and dm5-dm8. New poll started.
League begins next monday 1st september, we will add schedule as soon as possible. And read rules one more time and make sure you understand what you are reading.
And i will give few days to those 4 clans which don't have irc channel to quakenet. If nothing happends then we will remove them.
So Good Luck and behave and i hope league works out fine without big problems.
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League ready to start!2003-08-18 18:26 | Gravgon
Here we are, the signups for Euroq2l have been closed and we are now (almost) ready to start off.

On the 1st september you'll be able to schedule your matches for the first round. All infos about: the days during the one you can play your match, the clan you have to play at different rounds, etc. will be showed on a "schedule" page which will be online as soon as possible.

Two important things:
If you are on two different player lists, you have to contact the clanleaders in order to determine with which clan you'll be playing.

We also noticed few clans that hasn't an IRC channel on quakenet. Those must have a channel on quakenet where we can contact them...

Finally, we are looking for people who could help in shoutcasting matches, you know where to find us if you're interested :)

That's it for today, don't forget to check out the forum sometimes to give us your opinion.
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