I took contact with ITG (Inside The Game, they do live shoutcast coverage for many games) and its most famous shoutcaster dj Wheat. He and Trillian are both able to shoutcast Q2 games and they are willing to do more Q2 shoutcasts, They are likely to shoutcast for the grande final.
>I think we still need scorebot,
>if you don't find 100mb/100mb
>connection or even faster for q2tv
I think what we _really_ need is shoutcast commentators. Technically speaking it wouldnt have to be shoutcast. It could be a Ventrilo server where one or hopefully two commentators from ideally two different countries would comment on a match. The listeners would be muted off from speaking. Two commentators would be nice because they could be speccing two different hotspots of the map at the same time and could discuss of the development of the match which would do the listening more pleasant comparing to a monology.
ggs, id just like to compliment davve for doing a great job on qtv hosting, putting that lame 'ol scorebot out of service.. gg davve! just next time dont show scores for that long plz ))
finland should be no problem for us, except on dm1/dm2/dm3/dm5/dm6/dm7/dm8 so i expect a nice 5 mapper and i wish all the best of BAD LUCK TO FINLADN!1