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Match: CZ vs BUL
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flag Czech Republic vs Bulgaria flag
Referee:flag daelmun
Date:2007-03-01 16:00
Maps:q2dm1, q2dm7
Scores:190:69, 225:72

As usual I merely stumbled upon this game as well, and by the time I arrived the server was chosen and maps were being picked. flag Bulgaria chose q2dm1 and flag Czech Republic chose q2dm7 for reasons soon to be obvious. The flag Czechs had the pingadvantage, but since the teams seems eager to start I sat back in my chair ready for the game to start.

Q2DM1 :: flag's map


Well, this was a chaotic game for sure. First off, kkubass seemed to suffer from some problem with his quake2 as he was disconnected twice during the course of first half of the game, but that didn't hinder the flag Czechs from starting their maplockdown. flag wision showing off some nice rocketing skills in the mega, outbatteling several suicidal flag Bulgarians who just couldn't frag the damn bastard. What immediately struck me was the obvious lack of organization on the flag Bulgarian team, they were all over the map with most of them trying to get the railgun. I was switching povs a lot to see if any of them actually tried to hold a position, and realized noone cared for the lift at all to begin with. But guess flag main realized his -1 score early on didn't help him or his team much, so he took control of the lift after a while. Not to much effect, but he showed me that they were aware of basic teamplay strategy on this map. After flag kkubass was disconnected for the second time, flag Marty took his spot in the mega room, and was their main position holding player while flag wision was gathering frags all over the place. Of course, when people in observer started to cheer his rocketlauncher aim he was having a streak of missed rockets that made his accuracy drop quite a bit. I must admit I was a bit unsure how the flag Czech Republic positioned their players early on, as they were chasing frags all over the damn map, but think they had flag rejpal and flag mrzak at rail, while the other two had mega, so noone at lift really. Anyway, the map was very chaotic and the flag Czechs had the better teamplay and also the best pings, and good railers on this map is pure gold. flag Bulgaria managed to get the megaroom under control during the last 5 minutes of the game, but to no avail, by then the game was already over and flag Czechs were chasing frags FFA style.

Q2DM7 :: flag's map


Ok, then we went to the map that can turn an already unequal game into a massacre: The Slimy Place. I expected the flag Czechs to completely control this map, but unsure how high they would score. flag wision set the pace early on, putting his 15ms ping to good use with his mean SSG. flag Marty had the upper rocketlauncher position, and did so well to begin with. flag rejpal helped flag wision by Red Armor room, while flag mrzak spent most if not all his time by the ssg-tube and hyper, constantly fighting blastering flag Bulgarians. As for the flag Bulgarian team, not much can be said about their positions, they were all pretty much fragbaits and weaponless. flag Mpk tried to drop weapons and ammo, but that only got him killed. flag Sniper did a good job though, showing off some good aim. flag Blue and flag Mpk had a tough time while flag Malefactor seemed awfully happy each time he died. The game consisted of the flag Czechs controlling all areas and weapons while the flag Bulgarians had to fight hard for every frag they got, and often ended up killing eachother instead not having much of an organization at all. flag wision being the man of the match, and showed how control the Red Armor area with good aim and a keen eye for teamplaying.

A bit chaotic game, but flag Bulgaria were just outplayed in every aspect of the game, and their worse ping didn't help them either. flag Czech Republic has a team that has performed very well this far, and it's fun to see them playing like this. Hopefully they will improve even more as the season progress, and flag Bulgaria had a good showing never giving up playing the game untill the end!


2007-03-03 03:44 
2007-03-02 09:39 
nice report
2007-03-02 08:07 
2007-03-02 06:55 
aclist is just before u start 2nd map
i wasnt on server on start 1st map, so i didnt know what u (cz/bg) agree to play
u had admin on server (daelmun)
and rules for ndml r ...
so i left
2007-03-02 06:05 
muerte why don't you post 'aclist' before 1st map? we played on BTF which is on eq2l page as allowed server.. before 1st map everyone was AC valid (besides malefactor.. that's why he didn't play 1st map) but during the first map, server got disconnected from AC server and everybody becomes AC invalid (and because BTF is not AC forced, players weren't forced to reconnect and get checked again)
2007-03-02 03:23 
nice "anticheat server" emo

| Player Name |AC Valid|Files|Client|
|WallFly[BZZZ] | NO | N/A | N/A |
|Ma_In.bg | NO | N/A | N/A |
|Malefactor.bg | yes | 1 |R1Q2 |
|cz.wision | NO | N/A | N/A |
|Hydra.bg | NO | N/A | N/A |
|Mpk.bg | NO | N/A | N/A |
|cz.mrzzzak | NO | N/A | N/A |
|cz.Marty | NO | N/A | N/A |
|Sniper.bg | NO | N/A | N/A |
|[NDML]daelmun | NO | N/A | N/A |
|cz.rejpal | yes | 0 |R1Q2 |
|Muerte | yes | 0 |Apr GL|
|yes.bg | yes | 0 |R1Q2 |
||D|adrena|1ne | NO | N/A | N/A |
|us | NO | N/A | N/A |
File check list in use: AntiCheat.txt
This Quake II server is connected to the anticheat server.
For information on anticheat, please visit http://antiche.at/

pingrape emo
2007-03-02 00:50 
we had more equal ping, but the other server was not AC.
anyway where ever we had to play wision's ping surely would be better than ours.
gg hope we will learn something from this and next time be better emo
gl Czechs.

PS daelmun, i only play in ndml because of your report emo
2007-03-02 00:30 
Well we play for Fun javascript:smiles('emo')
emo , let's hope next time will have better teamplay emo
2007-03-01 17:16 
emo all is for fun and this is second or 3 game 4v4 together and i play with no sound im like blind when i dont have it and cant organizate any tactics but GGs anyway
2007-03-01 17:12 
yeah, ever since i had to change to gl_mode 6 I had to use hudscaling to see the damn text, and it blows big time >;|

2007-03-01 17:10 
nice report dael (ugly screens :x)
we played on BTF because it's the only server where they pinged 'good'..
2007-03-01 17:08 
Very nice report

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