(13:58:00) <[bra]tosquey> they wanted to play on a server where the ping difference was huge (13:58:05) <[bra]tosquey> like 40-50ms or something (13:58:21) <[bra]tosquey> and the server where the ping diff was like 10-15, they refused to play on it (13:58:29) <[bra]tosquey> saying that they had pl on that one (13:58:40) <[bra]tosquey> you asked for screenshots several times (13:58:45) <[bra]tosquey> and they didnt sent u (13:58:47) <[bra]tosquey> *send (13:59:01) <[bra]tosquey> them, u just told them if they dont send u a screen, it would be wo (13:59:14) <[bra]tosquey> still, they just complain about that (13:59:17) <[bra]tosquey> and just didnt send
= W/O unless both teams agree to reschedule.