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Match: LTU vs POL
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flag Lithuania vs Poland flag
Referee:flag Gerdt
Date:2004-09-29 14:49
Maps:q2dm2, q2dm2
Scores:91:137, 107:136
Demos:q2dm2 « Assasin, q2dm2 « d34d


The second game in group C, powerhouse Poland vs Lithuania, an unknown team for me. (and probably most of you). We couldn't find an equal server,so we decided to play home/away. The teams didn't play in their own country, because they knew it would be unplayable for the others. Lithuania chose the Swedish eG battleground as their server and Poland chose Cheff's battleground, a German server.
Both teams told me their map was q2dm2, and off we went.

First map : q2dm2 - eG Battleground (LTU choice)

The game started in Poland's favour,with Scooby having the first quad and Assasin controling the RA-lift. Poland tooled up at RA and began to frag, but Lithuania made a nice base at quad and started to frag back... After 7minutes, when the score was 41-23 for Poland, Lithuania took the quad and managed to take over the RA-lift. They didn't hold it for long tho, because the Polish players, tooled up with armor and rails didn't leave them a chance to get a serious grip on it.When the game was half played (10minutes left),suddenly 3 Lithuanian players (Parashut,DM and WD) overflowed and disconnected.
After holding the game a few minutes they were back.
The game went on in the same rithm : Poland holding RA and Lithuania controling the RL-lift and getting quads.DM had some outstanding quadruns, but couldn't kill the RA-keepers.In the seventh minute Assasin managed to get a quad , and made a very nice run with it. In the meanwhile LTU managed to get RA. Again, they couln't hold it for long with all the Polish players spamming them. 5minutes before ending the score was 102-63 for Poland. Lithuania now had 3-4 people on quad, and kept fragging. Neverthless, the Polish RA-brigade fragged back, so they could hold the fragdifference.GG

Second map : q2dm2 - Cheffs Battleground (POL choice)

After the first dm2 we joined cheffs battlegroud, Poland's server. Again 3 Lithuanian players overflowed (same ISP) time after time. The game was rescheduled 1 day later.
The game started with Poland spawning at the RA-lift and Lithuania taking the first quad. Poland made its base at the RA while Lithuania concentrated on quad... And with succes! The three next quads were for Lithuania, and they had some nice runs with them. After 3 minutes the score was even : 13-13. Lithuania managed to take over the RA lift with their fourth quad, but [POL]warrior took it soon back and again both teams were separated on the two sides of the map : RA and quad. Then Poland managed to get a quad, and had some frags with it. I want to mention [LTU]d34d who showed some nice handgrenade skills and killed a lot of Polish players with them. After five minutes the score was 28-26 for Poland. Next quad was for Lithuania, and again they managed to get the RA back. They kept is for ~2mintues, untill Poland got it back with some nice tactics (watch the demo if you want to see how ;)). Lithuania and Poland shared the quads the next minutes and score was increasing for both. [LTU]DM and [POL]Scooby both showed some nice quadruns, but couldn't really make the difference with it. LTU managed to get RA one more time, but failed in holding it, because the Polish armorcampers didn't leave them a second without grenade- and rocket-spam.After 12 minutes , the score was 70-70, very close call indeed! LTU took the next quads , while Poland tooled up at the RA. When there were four minutes left the score was 96-87 for Poland. Then suddenly all the POL players, tooled up with armor and rails went to quad. The last 4 quads were their and the map was locked down. Poland fragged quite a lot these last minutes (+/- 40frags) , while Lithuania only made a few (+/- 10). Poland wins in a close game!

Nice game,even though there were some connection problems everything went good.


2003-11-29 20:16 
mes laimmeeesim bl nepasisikit po veliava!!
2003-11-28 11:29 
We all know that LTU didn't show all what they can. Next time i think will be nice game and LTU can fight GL for LTU
2003-11-27 08:55 
nice report gerdt.
anyway gl in future
2003-11-25 15:07 
GG!But where is the demos of this fight?I think LTU didn`t show all what they can =]
2003-11-25 11:47 
demos ??
2003-11-25 08:04 
GG : )
2003-11-25 03:26 
nice report gg

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