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FAQ: The Quake 2 Console Commands

Quake 2 Console Commands

The Key
Below there are explanations to all of the different fields which are used to describe each command. It is good to know what the information in each field contains and refers to. The fields that I have used to describe each command and variable are a way of standardizing information among each command and to make sure that all of the information is given in an orderly fashion.

I have also taken upon myself to classify all of those console commands and console variables. These classifications are in no way related to how the game feels about the various types of commands and variables. The game only distinguishes between commands and variables. The names of each class are only meant to identify the different type of a command or variable, and give some insight into it's syntax and what type of parameters it accepts. Basically if a user knows that a given variable is classified as a toggle, he won't try to use negative numbers or fractions as input, or if a command is classified as an operation he will know not to use any parameters. These classifications are just here to help you with the syntax recognition and to remove unnecessary syntax fields.

1.1. Fields
This field appears for all commands and variables. The information in this field classifies the command or variable based on it's syntax. The inclusion of this field also allows for the shortening of this document by specifying one syntax for a whole class of commands or variables and not having to display the identical syntax for each command or variable. Further explanation about all of the different types of commands and variables that have been classified is included in the section below.
This field only appears for the class of function commands since each of those commands has it's own syntax. It displays the parameters that the command accepts and any other special characters. The convention of using words in parenthesis, i.e. (filename), designates that a single value should be specified which is described by the phrase inside the parenthesis, i.e. base1.bsp.
This field only appears for the variables. It displays the default value that is used by the game when it is started for the first time. The information in this field displays the default value for any given variable which can be referenced when it is necessary to restore that variable to it's original setting.
This field appears for all commands and variables. It displays a short description of the command or variable. This is just a reference field for a quick glance at what the command or variable does. I decided to write the sentences in this field as if grouped with an invisible prefix which should be appended to the sentence while reading this field. For commands the prefix would be "This command will...", for variables the prefix would be "This variable holds information about...", or "This variable will..." for toggle variables. It is better to omit this prefix in the actual description to save space and to avoid repeating the same part of the sentence over and over.
This field appears for some commands and variables. It displays a long, detailed description of the command or variable. Usually a lot of background information is displayed in this field if the command or variable has some special functions or special syntax is necessary. This is to be considered a supplement to the Description: field where longer explanations should be provided.
This field only appears for the class of toggle variables. It displays all of the possible settings for a variable if there are more than the usual 0 and 1. This is an important field because it identifies all settings for that toggle variable.
This field only appears for the class of function commands since each of those commands has it's own syntax. It displays some examples of how the syntax should be used. For some commands this field is very necessary because some function commands have a very weird syntax.

1.2. Commands
An action command performs an action when the +action part of the command is executed and terminates that action when the -action part of the command is executed. When an action command is bound to a key, the +action is executed when the key is pressed, and the -action is executed when the key is released. The default syntax for an action is '+command' or '-command'. The syntax field is skipped for all action commands.
A function command performs a single function based on the parameters included for that operation. A function usually has extra parameters and they are usually necessary for proper execution. The default syntax for a function is 'command (parameter)'. The syntax field is present for all function commands since each one has it's own unique syntax.
An operation command performs a single function in the game every time the command is executed. It does not use any parameters. The default syntax for an operation is 'command'. The syntax field is skipped for all operation commands.

1.3. Variables
A bitmap variable is able to toggle more than one feature by using a single value. The way that a bitmap variable works is that a value is assigned to each bit. Each bit is like a toggle, only being able to be set to an on and off state. To turn on the desired features all the values representing individual bits are added together. So if you want to turn on the features which have values of 4, 8, 32, 256, you would set the variable to the sum of these values which is 300. The default syntax for a bitmap variable is 'variable (value)'. Allowable values for a bitmap variable include integers only.
Command Line Parameter:
A command line parameter is a variable which is set from a command line. The reason for setting a variable from the command line, is that some variables are write protected once the game starts and cannot but changed. Command line parameters are usually used to enable or disable a handful of features before loading up the game. The default syntax is 'quake2.exe +set variable (value)'.
A register variable is able to store any type of numeric information. Register variables are used for numeric data which does not have clearly defined boundaries. The default syntax for a register variable is 'variable (value)'. Allowable values for a register variable include integers, fractions, and negative values.
A string variable is able to store any type of text information. The default syntax for a string variable is 'variable "(text)"'. Allowable values for a string variable include all numbers and all text characters.
A toggle variable is able to turn a feature on, off, or set it to an alternative setting. The values for a toggle are usually only 0 and 1. Sometimes there are alternative settings for a toggle, in which case subsequent numbers are used such as 2, 3, 4, and so on. The default syntax is 'variable (value)'. Allowable values for a toggle variable include integers only in increments of 1.

2. Console Commands List

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is firing the current weapon.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is moving backwards.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is moving forwards.

Type: Action

Description: When active the keyboard keys bound to +forward and +back serve as +lookup and +lookdown.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is turning left.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is looking down.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is looking up.

Type: Action

Description: When active the mouse movement forward serves as +lookup and mouse movement backward as +lookdown.

Note: The function of the forward and backward movement of the mouse can be reversed with a negative value in the m_pitch variable.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is moving downward in liquids, on a ladder, or is crouching on ground.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is strafe moving, side stepping to the left.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is strafe moving, side stepping to the right.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is moving up in liquids, on a ladder, or jumping.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is turning right.

Type: Action

Description: When active the player is running.

Type: Action

Description: When active the +left and +right functions are changed to +moveleft and +moveright.

Type: Action

Description: Unused.

Note: This command has been left intact but still unused to allow future additions to the game engine where a key press will be needed to active objects in the world, instead of just walking or pushing them. Similar to other games where you have to press a key to open a door or activate a switch.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The server address for the entry in the address book.

Type: Function

alias (name) "(commands)"

Description: Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.

Note: When used without parameters, it will display all current aliases. To create an alias which executes multiple commands, it is necessary to surround the commands with double-quotes and separate each command with a semicolon. An alias works like a command function since it cannot accept any parameters. Also, aliases are executed as if they were commands.

alias sayhi "say Hi foo!"
alias jumpshot "+moveup;+attack;wait;-attack;-moveup"


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the automatic downloading of game files.

Note: This command can be used by both, the client and the server individually to prevent the automatic downloading of game files.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the automatic downloading of map files to the client from the server.

Note: This command can be used by both, the client and the server individually to prevent the automatic downloading of game files. Maps which are contained in .pak files will not be available for download because of copyright issues associated with the distribution of commercial addons.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the automatic downloading of model files.

Note: This command can be used by both, the client and the server individually to prevent the automatic downloading of game files.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the automatic downloading of player skin files.

Note: This command can be used by both, the client and the server individually to prevent the automatic downloading of game files.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the automatic downloading of sound files.

Note: This command can be used by both, the client and the server individually to prevent the automatic downloading of game files.

Type: Command Line Parameter

Default: .

Description: The location of the directory where baseq2/ directory resides.

Note: This variable might be used if the data files for Quake 2 are stored in a totally different directory, for example on a read-only mounted drive.

Type: Function

bind (key)
bind (key) "(commands)"

Description: Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.

Note: When the command is used with just the key name and without assigning any commands to it, it will display the command which is currently assigned to that key. To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in double-quotes and separate them with semi-colons. To bind to non-printable keys, use the key name. The escape, and ~ (tilde) keys can only be bound from an external configuration file.


bind h "say Hi Foo!"
bind mouse1 "+attack;+moveup;wait;-moveup;-attack;echo Foo!"


Type: Operation

Description: Displays all key and button bindings.

Type: Register

Default: 0.002

Description: The amount of movment that the player's screen moves up and down while in motion.

Type: Register

Default: 0.002

Description: The amount of movment that the player's screen moves left and right while in motion.

Type: Register

Default: 0.005

Description: The amount of time before the player's screen starts moving.

Type: Function

cd (command)
cd (command) (parameter)

Description: Control the functions of playing CD music.

close - Close the CD-ROM drive door.
eject - Eject the CD from the drive.
info - Display the number of music tracks on the CD and the current status.
loop (track) - Play the same track over and over.
off - Disable CD music.
on - Enable CD music.
pause - Pause the current playback.
play (track) - Play the track.
remap - Display the remapped order of tracks.
remap (track) (track) ... (track) - Change the playback order of tracks.
reset - Reset the CD functions.
resume - Resume play after a pause.
stop - Stop the current playback.

Note: For the command to be available the CD-ROM drive has to be idle at the time that Quake 2 starts, or else this command will be disabled.

cd info
cd play 3
cd remap 4 5 1 2 7 8
cd remap


Type: Register

Default: 4

Description: The number of times that the looping track will play.

Type: Register

Default: 11

Description: The number of the music track designated to loop.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of CD music.

Type: Command Line Parameter

Default: z:installdata

Description: The location of the game files on the CD-ROM.

Note: The game will detect the CD-ROM drive letter automatically and will append the appropriate path by itself. If it happens that the computer has more than one CD-ROM drive and the game detects the wrong drive this variable might be set to direct the game to the right CD-ROM drive and path.

Type: Operation

Description: Center the player's view.

Type: Operation

Description: Informs the client of an upcoming map change.

Note: This is an internal command used between the client and server.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of cheat codes.

Type: Register

Default: 1.5

Description: The multiplier value for the yaw and roll axes.

Note: While the +speed command is enabled or the cl_run toggle is enabled the values of cl_forwardspeed, cl_sidespeed, and cl_upspeed are multiplied by this value.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: * Disabled.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of palette blending effects.

Note: The palette blending effect is used while being injured, using a powerup, or under water. It might be beneficial to disable this effect to see clearly in water, but then if the player is being injured he won't know it.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the display of entities.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the footstep sounds.

Type: Register

Default: 200

Description: The maximum forward and backward movement speed.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the display of the gun.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the display of dynamic lighting.

Type: Register

Default: 90

Description: The maximum number of packets-per-second the server should send to the client to cap the frames-per-second rate.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of delta network packet compression.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of custom skins on other players.

0 - Enable the use of skins.
1 - Disable the use of skins.
2 - Enable the use of skins but do not download new skins from the server.


Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the display of partices.

Type: Register

Default: 150

Description: The constant movement speed for the up and down axis.

Note: This variable determines the speed at which the player's screen moves up and down while using the keyboard keys. The reason for this is that the keyboard does not have sensetivity states only an off and on state.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle prediction of entities between network packets.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle automatic running.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of missed predictions.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of latency information for network packets.

Type: Register

Default: 200

Description: The maximum left and right movement speed.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of information for map statistics.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of stereoscopic display mode.

Type: Register

Default: 0.4

Description: The seperation value between the left and right images in stereoscoptic mode.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of test for pallet blending.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of a test for entities.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of a test for dynamic lighting.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of a test for particles.

Type: Register

Default: 120

Description: The maximum time in seconds that the client will wait for a network packet before disconnecting.

Type: Register

Default: 200

Description: The maximum speed for up and down movment.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of Visual Weapons on players.

Type: Register

Default: 140

Description: The speed at which the player will turn while using a keyboard.

Note: This variable determines the speed at which the player's screen moves left and right while using the keyboard keys. The reason for this is that the keyboard does not have sensetivity states only an off and on state.

Type: Operation

Description: Clear the console of all text.

Type: Register

Default: 27901

Description: The port that the client uses for receiving message from the server.

Type: Function

cmd (command)
cmd (command) (parameters)

Description: Send the command and/or parameters to the server.

baselines (random number) (value) - Set up the initial values for spawning the player on the map.
begin (random number) - Spawn the player on the map.
configstrings (random number) (value) - Set up the initial configuration for connecting the client to the server.
disconnect - Disconnect the client from the server.
download (filename) - *Disabled. Download a file from the server.
drop (item) - Drop an item from the inventory.
fov (value)- Set the field-of-vision.
gameversion - Display the date version of the game.
give (item)- Give an item to the player.
god - Toggle God mode.
help - Display the score screen.
info - Display server information.
invdrop - Drop the currently selected item in the inventory.
inven - Display the inventory screen.
invnext - Select the next item in the inventory.
invprev - Select the previous item in the inventory.
invuse - Use the currently selected item from the inventory.
kill - Make the player commit suicide.
nextdl - *Unknown.
noclip - Toggle the ability of the player to walk though walls and objects.
notarget - Toggle the ability of the monsters to detect the player.
putaway - Putaway any menu screen or inventory window.
say (message) - Send a message to all the players on the server.
say_team (message) - Send a message to all the players on the server who are on your team.
use - Use an item which is in the player's inventory.
wave (type)- Make the player character display a hand gesture to other players on the server.
weapnext - Switch to the next weapon in the player's inventory.
weapprev - Switch to the previous weapon in the player's inventory.

Note: Some commands that the client uses do not need to be prefixed with cmd before sending them to the server. The function on this command is to allow the client to perform actions which require information from the server. This command is basically an interface between the client and the server, where the client asks the server if it can perform an action, and the server performs the action or rejects the request. This command is automatically used by the client internally, so it is never necessary to call this command unless performing some type of debugging.

cmd god
cmd give all


Type: Operation

Description: Display a list of all available commands.

Type: Register

Default: 3

Description: The delay before console messages disappear from the screen.

Type: Function

Syntax: condump (filename)

Description: Dump the console text to a text file.

Note: It is not necessary to specify an extension to the (filename) since a .txt extension as appended automatically.

Example: condump context

Type: Function

connect (IP address)
connect (IP address):(port)

Description: Connect the client to a server.

Note: It is usually not necessary to specify a (port) unless the server is running on a different port than 29710, which is the default port.



Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle cooperative play.

Note: In cooperative mode, the dmflags variable is disabled. Weapons will remain for all players to retrieve whereas other items will disappear when picked up.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of the crosshair.

0 - Crosshair disabled.
1 - X crosshair enabled.
2 - Dot crosshair enabled.
3 - Angle crosshair enabled.


Type: Operation

Description: Display a list of all variables, their flags, and their values.

Note: Each varaiable has a value and a state flag. If a variable has the value of "", then that variable is empty.

* - Saved setting, will save changes to this variable between games by writing it in the config.cfg file.
U - User variable, will show up in the output from the userinfo command or dumpuser command..
S - Server variable, will show up in the output from the serverinfo command.
L - Delayed function, will take action after a map change.
- - Write protected, only changable upon launching of the game with a command line parameter.


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the deathmatch game mode.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of the debug graph.

Type: Command Line Parameter

Default: 0

Description: Set the game into dedicated server mode.

Note: This variable will determine if the game will load with a graphical interface used for single-player game or for the client mode use for gaming. When the variable is set to 1 the game will load with a text-only interface with server functions only. This is beneficial because a dedicated server is more efficient than a listen server.

Type: Function

Syntax: demomap (filename)

Description: Plays back a demo.

Note: The extension .bsp is appended to any (filename) which does not contain an extension. The default extension of a demo is .dm2. If any key is pressed during the playback of a demo the main menu is displayed.

Example: demomap demo1.dm2

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of developer information.

Note: There are a lot of game message which are not displayed, this variable will allow for a game developer to read all of the internal messages that the game displays. A lot of this information is necessary for debugging the game or just watching the internal processes that the game goes through.

Type: Function

dir (relative path)/(filename mask)

Description: Display a directory listing.

Note: This command will display the files and directories of any directory on the hard disk. It is necessary to specify the location of the directory to be displayed using a relative path format. In a relative path the character . means current path, .. means parent path, and / or separates directories. It is also necessary to specify a filename mask which will determine what files are displayed. In a filemask the character ? substitutes for any single character, * substitutes for any number of characters. If the command is executed without parameters it will display the contents of the quake2/baseq2/ directory.

dir *.cfg
dir ../*.*
dir ..*.*


Type: Operation

Description: Disconnects the client from the server.

Type: Bitmap

Default: 16

Description: The options which determine deathmatch game settings.

1 - No Health.
2 - No Powerups.
4 - Weapons Stay.
8 - No Falling Damage.
16 - Instant Powerups.
32 - Same Map.
64 - Teams by Skin.
128 - Teams by Model.
256 - No Friendly Fire.
512 - Spawn Farthest.
1024 - Force Respawn.
2048 - No Armor.
4096 - Allow Exit.
8192 - Infinite Ammo.
16384 - Quad Drop.
32768 - Fixed FOV.


Type: Function

Syntax: download (filename)

Description: This command will download any specified filename from the server.

Example: download players/male/grunt.pcx

Type: Function

Syntax: drop (item)

Description: Drop an item from the inventory.

adrenaline - Adrenaline.
airstrike marker - Airstrike Marker.
ammo pack - Ammo Pack.
ancient head - Ancient Head.
bandolier - Bandoleer.
bfg10k - BFG10K.
blue key - Blue Key.
bullets - 50 Bullets.
chaingun - Chaingun.
cells - 50 cells.
commander's head - Commander's Head.
data cd - Data CD.
data spinner - Data Spinner.
environment suit - Environment Suit.
grenade launcher - Grenade Launcher.
grenades - 5 Grenades.
hyperblaster - HyperBlaster.
invulnerability - Invulnerability.
machinegun - Machinegun.
power cube - Power Cube.
power screen - Power Screen.
power shield - Power Shield.
pyramid key - Pyramid Key.
quad damage - Quad Damage.
railgun - Railgun.
rebreather - Rebreather.
red key - Red Key.
rocket launcher - Rocket Launcher.
rockets - 5 Rockets.
security pass - Security Pass.
shells - 10 Shells.
shotgun - Shotgun.
silencer - Silencer.
slugs - 10 Slugs.
super shotgun - Super Shotgun.

Note: This only works in multiplayer games where instant powerups are disabled. Also, dropped items only stay on the map for 30-seconds, after that time they just disappear.

drop shotgun
drop quad damage


Type: Function

Syntax: dumpuser (userid)

Description: Display user information.

Note: This command will display all variables flagged with the U (user) flag, and their values.

Example: dumpuser 0

Type: Function

Syntax: echo (text)

Description: Display text to the console.

Example: echo Hey Foo!

Type: Function

Syntax: error "(text)"

Description: Quit the game with an error message.

Example: error "The Foo Overflowed"

Type: Function

Syntax: exec (filename)

Description: Execute a console script file.

Note: This is a very helpful command because it allows for the execution of multiple commands which are stored in text files and are used to setup the client or a server. The default extension for a console script is .cfg, but an extension of .rc is also in common use especially for player configuration scripts. The .rc extension was derived from Unix shell scripts which also share the same extension.

Example: exec foo.rc

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the usage of the banlist.

0 - Allow only the addresses in the banlist to join the server.
1 - Ban the addresses in the banlist from joining the server.


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle display of all game frames.

Note: If this variable is enabled the game will display all game frames thus slowing down the game in order to allow for the display of every frame. Normally the game will skip frames to keep the speed of the game constant.

Type: Register

Default: 4

Description: The number of messages that a client has to send in order to be considered a flood.

Type: Register

Default: 4

Description: The time in seconds in which the messages are send in order to be considered a flood.

Type: Register

Default: 10

Description: The time in seconds that a client will not be able to send any more message to the server because of the flood.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the flushing of map during map changes.

Type: Register

Default: 90

Description: The size of the player's peripheral vision.

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: The score that is necessary for changing of maps.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of the forward and down movements into look up and look down.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the ability of players to select weapons without ammo.

Type: String

Default: (none)

Description: The alternative location for the baseq2/ directory.

Note: This variable is used to inform Quake 2 to look for additional game information in the directory provided. This variable is used while playing different game modifications.

Type: String

Default: May 27 1998

Description: The internal date of game .dll file.

Type: String

Default: none

Description: The directory name where the game files are located when the server is running a custom game configuration.

Type: Function

Syntax: gamemap (filename)

Description: Start the server with a new map.

Note: The extension .bsp is appended to the (filename) when it does not include an extension.

Example: gamemap base1

Type: String

Default: baseq2

Description: The internal name of the game .dll file.

Type: Operation

Description: *Disabled.

Note: This command used to display the date version of the game.

Type: String

Default: male

Description: The gender of the player.

Note: This variable is necessary in order to display the proper death messages which might be gender related.

male - Male death messages displayed.
female - Female death messages displayed.
none - Neutral death messages displayed.


Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of automatic gender detection based on the player's model.

Type: Function

give (item)
give (item) (amount)

Description: Give an item to the player.

Note: The amount parameter is only available when giving ammo and does not work for grenades. It is possible to take away items by giving a negative amount of an item.

all - All items.
ammo - Full ammo.
armor - Full armor.
health - Full health.
weapons - All weapons.
shells - 10 Shells.
bullets - 50 Bullets.
grenades - 5 Grenades.
rockets - 5 Rockets.
slugs - 10 Slugs.
cells - 50 Cells.
combat armor - 1 unit of Combat Armor.
jacket armor - 1 unit of Jacket Armor.
armor shard - Armor Shard.
power screen - Power Screen.
power shield - Power Shield.
shotgun - Shotgun.
super shotgun - Super Shotgun.
machinegun - Machinegun.
chaingun - Chaingun.
grenade launcher - Grenade Launcher.
rocket launcher - Rocket Launcher.
hyperblaster - HyperBlaster.
railgun - Railgun.
bfg10k - BFG10K.
adrenaline - Adrenaline.
ammo pack - Ammo Pack.
bandolier - Bandoleer.
environment suit - Environment Suit.
invulnerability - Invulnerability.
quad damage - Quad Damage.
rebreather - Rebreather.
silencer - Silencer.
airstrike marker - Airstrike Marker.
ancient head - Ancient Head.
blue key - Blue Key.
commander's head - Commander's Head.
data cd - Data CD.
data spinner - Data Spinner.
power cube - Power Cube.
pyramid key - Pyramid Key.
red key - Red Key.
security pass - Security Pass.

give all
give rocket launcher
give shells
give rockets 100


Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of alternative code for 3D Labs video drivers.

Note: The drivers that 3D Labs release have some problems so this variable was developed to overcome those problems. Once the drivers are fixed this variable can be disabled.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the emulation of missing OpenGL functions by the game software.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of 16-bit textures.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the clearing of the screen between frames.

Note: This is only necessary when developing a map and it is necessary to clear extraneous screen information when floating outside of the map for example. This is also helpful when using the gl_lockpvs command.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of OpenGL culling functions.

Note: The culling functions are used to remove certain map information which would not be rendered because it is covered by another object.

Type: String

Default: GL_BACK

Description: The name of the buffer that display information should be written to.

Type: String

Default: 3dfxgl

Description: The filename of the OpenGL .dll driver.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of dynamic lighting.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of a compiled vertex array.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of multiple texture processors.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of textures with their own color pallets.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of point parameter files.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of the swap interval between frames.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of gl_finish() function after each frame.

Note: If this toggle is enabled the video card driver will send out a gl_finish() call at the end of each frame for proper timing.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the blending of lights onto the environment.

Note: If this toggle is enabled the lights will blend into a translucent ball of light.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of light map used for testing static lighting.

Note: If this toggle is enabled all of the textures will be removed from the display and only the static lights will be shown.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the locking of the current PVS table.

Note: If this toggle is enabled the game will lock the PVS table in the memory for the current location that the player is in and it will not let it be updated by the player's movement. The PVS table determines what parts of the map can be seen by the player and if they should be rendered. This variable is used by map makers to lock the PVS from a certain location and then move around to see what parts the game will render from that location and then determine where hint brushes should be placed to limit the rendering. It is helpful to enable the gl_clear command to avoid the hall of mirrors effect on the unrendered parts of the level.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the logging of all the OpenGL commands.

Note: If this toggle is enabled a file called gl.log is produced with all of the OpenGL commands which were used by the game. Be careful about using this command since the size of the log file can grow quite large quick quickly.

Type: Toggle

Default: 3

Description: Toggle the screen resolution mode.

0 - 320 x 200
1 - 400 x 300
2 - 512 x 384
3 - 640 x 480
4 - 800 x 600
5 - 960 x 720
6 - 1024 x 768
7 - 1152 x 864
8 - 1280 x 960
9 - 1600 x 1200


Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The brightness of a texture while it is being affected by dynamic lights.

Note: If the value is less than 1 then the texture which on which the dynamic light is displayed will be darker than it's normal color. If the value is more than 1 then the texture will be brighter. This variable is mostly used to brighten up the lighting in the game without changing any gamma information.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of a monochromic light map to test dynamic lighting.

Note: If this toggle is enabled the wall textures will be removed from walls and replaced by a white texture. Also, all effects of dynamic lighting on different parts of the map will be displayed in a solid black color.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the binding of textures to triangles.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the usage of subimages for rendering.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The value for the intensity of the particle A attributes.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The value for the intensity of the particle B attributes.

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: The value for the intensity of the particle C attributes.

Type: Register

Default: 4

Description: The maximum size for a rendered particle.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The minimum size for a rendered particle.

Type: Register

Default: 4

Description: The default size for a rendered particle.

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: The dimensions of displayed textures.

Note: The value of this variable will determine the dimensions of the textures which are displayed in the game. The displayed textures are shrunk by the formula 2^x where x is the value of this register. Setting this to a value which is larger than zero might provide performance increases on slow systems.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: The dimensions of displayed player skins.

Note: The value of this variable will determine the dimensions of the player skins which are displayed in the game. The displayed skins are shrunk by the formula 2^x where x is the value of this register. Setting this to a value which is larger than zero might provide performance increases on slow systems.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle pallet blending.

Note: The pallet blending effect is used while being injured, using a powerup, or under water. It might be beneficial to disable this effect to see clearly in water, but then if the player is being injured he won't know it.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the rounding of texture sizes.

Note: If this toggle is enabled textures which are not sized to the power of 2 will be enlarged to the next higher power of 2. Normally textures will be shrunk to the next lower power of 2. Enabling this toggle will make some textures sharper such as monster skins but will degrade performance.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the saturation of all lights.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle entity shadows.

Note: This function is far from perfect. Shadows will all be cast in the same direction (angle 180 in reference to viewpos) from all entities, including ones that are emitting light.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: This command toggles a map of the triangles that the engine is drawing for the current view. The edges of the triangles are shown in white and the faces are darkened.

Note: This command is unable to be used on a 3Dfx card. You need to be using the default OpenGL driver.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the usage of mipmap information for the sky graphics.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The delay between frame buffer swaps.

Type: Toggle

Default: default

Description: The color mode for alpha-blended textures.

default - The default mode.
GL_RGBA - Unknown.
GL_RGBA2 - Unknown.
GL_RGBA4 - Unknown.
GL_RGBA8 - Unknown.
GL_RGB5_A1 - Unknown.


Type: String


Description: The texture drawing mode.

GL_NEAREST - This will enable nearest neighbor interpolation and will therefore appear similar to software Quake2 except with the added colored lighting.
GL_LINEAR - This will enable linear interpolation and will appear to blend in objects that are closer than the resolution that the textures are set as.
GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Nearest neighbor interpolation with mipmapping for bilinear hardware. Mipmapping will blend objects that are farther away than the resolution that they are set as.
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Linear interpolation with mipmapping for bilinear hardware.
GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Nearest neighbor interpolation with mipmapping for trilinear hardware.
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Linear interpolation with mipmapping for trilinear hardware.


Type: Toggle

Default: default

Description: The color mode for solid-blended textures.

default - The default mode.
GL_RGB - Unknown.
GL_RGB2 - Unknown.
GL_RGB4 - Unknown.
GL_RGB5 - Unknown.
GL_RGB8 - Unknown.
GL_R3_G3_B2 - Unknown.


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the usage of triple buffering for OpenGL cards.

Note: If you are using a 3Dfx Voodoo2 card this toggle will automatically be set to 1 because these cards support triple buffering by default.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of vertex arrays.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the clearing of the z-buffer between frames.

Note: If this toggle is enabled the game will not clear the z-buffer between frames. This will result in increased performance but might cause problems for some display hardware.

Type: Operation

Description: Toggle god mode for the player.

Note: When a player is in god mode he is indestructible, except for the teleportation death (telefrag), or if he issues the kill command. Also, players in god mode have a white aura effect around their character so you always know who's using this command.

Type: Register

Default: 32

Description: The height in pixes of graphs.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The vertical scale of displayed information on graphs.

Note: If this register is lower than 1 the data in the graphs will be shrunk, if higher than 1 the data will be enlarged.

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: The vertical shift of information on graphs.

Type: Function

gun_model (filename)

Description: Display a weapon model.

Note: This command is primarily used to test the look of the weapon models and to allow the display of each frame for a gun model. When this command is used without any parameters, it will return the default gun model.

gun_model weapons/v_shotg


Type: Operation

Description: Displays the next frame for the current weapon model and reports the frame number. The first frame 0 is the default frame where the gun animation takes place. If the frame number is increased to anything above that frame, the gun model will be frozen in that frame until the gun frame is returned to 0.

Type: Operation

Description: Displays the previous frame for the current weapon model and reports the frame number. The first frame 0 is the default frame where the gun animation takes place. If the frame number is increased to anything above that frame, the gun model will be frozen in that frame until the gun frame is returned to 0.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: The x-axis position of the player's gun.

Note: The x-axis is the left to right axis with negative numbers on the left and positive on the right.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: The y-axis position of the player's gun.

Note: The y-axis is the forward and back axis with negative numbers back and positive forward.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: The z-axis position of the player's gun.

Note: The z-axis is the up and down axis with negative numbers down and positive up.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the handedness of the player.

0 - Gun on the right and shots from the right.
1 - Gun on the left and shots from the left.
2 - No gun and shots from the center.


Type: Operation

Description: Sends a manual heartbeat to the master servers.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the display of timing information.

all - Total time.
sv - Server time.
gm - Game time.
cl - Client Time.
rf - Renderer Time.


Type: String

Default: noname

Description: The name of the server.

Type: Register

Default: *Unknown

Description: *Unknown

Type: Operation

Description: Display a list of all loaded images, their types, dimensions, and color pallets. Also display the total texel count.

Note: There are five columns of information. The first column identifies the image type, consult the list below for all possible types. The second column shows the x-axis size of the image. The third column shows the y-axis size of the image. The fourth column shows the image's dependency on the pallet, either the red-green-blue pallet, or the internal game pallet. The fifth column shows the image's path and filename.

M - Model texture used for models shown in the map.
P - Player images, shown on the player's view screen.
S - Sprite picture.
W - Wall texture used for the map.
RGB - The image uses the standard RGB pallet.
PAL - The images uses the internal game pallet.


Type: Function

Syntax: impulse (number)

Description: Send an impulse command to the server.

Note: This command will be used by various mods to allow clients to access extra game features. Currently there are no internal impulses in Quake 2.

Example: impulse 1

Type: Command Line Parameter

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the initialization of joystick.

Note: If this variable is set to 0 the game will not try to detect the joystick and will disable all joystick functions in the game.

Type: Command Line Parameter

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the initialization of the mouse.

Note: If this variable is set to 0 the game will not try to detect the mouse and will disable all mouse functions in the game.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the use of input from the joystick.

Type: Toggle

Default: 1

Description: Toggle the use of input from the mouse.

Type: Operation

Description: Display server information.

Note: This command is pretty much broken. It cannot be executed by the server, and when it is executed by the client the output from the command is only displayed on the server's console. Basically this is a broken version of the serverinfo command since it displays the same information.

Type: Register

Default: 2

Description: The brightness of the OpenGL display.

Type: Operation

Description: Drop the currently selected item.

Note: This is a very useful command in team games where you can supply your team with ammo, powerups, and weapons. This command will drop the item which is selected in the inventory to the ground a little in front of you. If a player is standing directly in front of you and you use this command he will automatically pick up the item that you drop.

Type: Operation

Description: Display the inventory screen.

Note: When the inventory screen is shown, you can use the invnext and invprev commands to select items from the inventory. Also, if the inventory screen holds more information than it can show, using the above mentioned commands will scroll the inventory screen to show all the information.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the next item in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the next powerup in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the next weapon in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the previous item in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the previous powerup in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Select the previous weapon in the inventory.

Note: You can use this command without having the inventory screen up, in which case the little icon in the lower-right part of the screen will show which item is currently selected.

Type: Operation

Description: Use the currently selected item from the inventory.

Type: Register

Default: localhost

Description: The IP address used by the server.

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: *Unknown

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: *Unknown

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: *Unknown

Type: Register

Default: 0

Description: *Unknown

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle advanced joystick functions.

Type: Operation

Description: Initialize the joystick's advanced features.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick r-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick u-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick v-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick x-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick y-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the mapping of the joystick z-axis.

0 - Axis not used.
1 - Axis is for forward and backward movement.
2 - Axis is for pitch.
3 - Axis is for side to side movement.
4 - Axis is for yaw.
16 + (value) - Axis Toggle the mapping is relative (no stop points).


Type: Register

Default: -1

Description: The sensitivity speed for moving forward and backward.

Type: Register

Default: 0.15

Description: The dead-zone for moving forward and backward.

Type: String

Default: joystick

Description: Joystick Name.

Type: Register

Default: 1

Description: The speed that you look up and down.


Type: Register

Default: 0.15

Description: The dead-zone for looking up and down.

Type: Register

Default: -1

Description: The sensitivity speed for moving side to side.

Type: Register

Default: 0.15

Description: The dead-zone for moving side to side.

Type: Register

Default: -1

Description: The sensitivity speed for moving up and down.

Type: Register

Default: 0.15

Description: The dead-zone for moving up and down.

Type: Register

Default: -1

Description: The sensitivity speed for looking left and right.

Type: Register

Default: 0.15

Description: The dead-zone for looking left and right.

Type: Function

kick (userid)
kick (username)

Description: Remove a client from the server.

Note: You can remove clients from the server by their (userid) or by their (username).

Type: Operation

Description: Make the player commit suicide.

Note: This command is commonly used in single-player mode where the player gets stuck somewhere and can't get out or if he just wants to start over. This command can also be used in multiplayer by players who want to take the easy way out of life.

Type: Operation

Description: Shutdown the server.

Note: This command will terminate the server, but it will not exit from the server's console. This is useful when changing mods for the server remotely.

Type: Function

Syntax: link (from path) (to path)

Description: Alter the actual location of a directory inside the game.

Note: This command will allow you select where the game will look for its files. A set of empty quotes will clear any modifications that you make to a directory location.

link maps ""
link maps "dmmaps"
link maps "mission/maps"
link sound/player/male "c:/quake2/newsounds/"


Type: Function

Syntax: load (savegame)

Description: Load a saved game.

Note:The place where saved games are stored in is the baseq2/save directory. Within it are separate directories for each saved game. And within those directories are separate files for each map in the game unit which hold the status of all entities for each map.

Example: load save3

Type: Operation

Description: Show the "Loading..." picture.

Note: This is an internal command used by the client to show the "Loading..." graphic.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the logging of map statistics.

Type: Toggle

Default: 0

Description: Toggle the logging of console messages.

... not all but enough for now :)
dunno if anybody got some copyrights on it, if so sorry!

2004-03-16 14:25 
good job manu` !
2004-03-16 03:23 
well there is at least all commands for q2 version 3.20:
2004-03-15 16:24 
whoops, kinda difficult to read but the format isn't saved in that way i want to...
2004-03-15 16:16 
to be continued...

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