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Howdy, my name is evilpope. I'm from the USA, and I've been playing fps games since they first came out. I got addicted to multiplayer with duke3d, and soon after got into quake. I started playing competatively during the onset of Quake2, and moved to Quake3 when it came out, then on to RTCW, and then back to Q2. I got to play with many of the top oldschool North American players in the old days of Q2, and even some of the euros like Scion and oWo from MM.
Anyways, on to the real reason for this article, I have created a DM map pak specifically for dueling. In the USA, pretty much all anyone plays nowadays is Q2DM1, and I'll be the first one to say, none of the other maps that came with q2 have the dynamic gameplay and movement of dm1. While maps like dm3 are great maps, it's alot more restrictive as far as movement and such, and in my opinion makes for somewhat less fun games. I have also been somewhat disapointed with most of the maps I have seen in recent paks, so my goal was to create a pak of maps that I think have as dynamic of gameplay as q2dm1. I purposely tried to keep away from the overly cramped maps because I feel the don't play well into the style quake2 has evolved into, with players moving incredibly fast and making all kinds of crazy jumps.
I downloaded pretty much every map I could find, and went through over 500 maps to combine them down into 10 maps. This pak includes some old favorites like match1, ztn2dm2, ztn2dm3, and q2rdm2. I included these maps because this map pak is meant to be a best of the best of maps that didn't come with q2 or the patch that gave us q2dm1 - q2dm8. Without further ado, here are the maps(click on each name for a screenshot):
: Aerowalk by Preacher
: The Dark Base(q1dm6 remake)
: in2 Oblivion by pan
: Kryptonite by Pan
: Reckless Abandon
: The Vent by U8Poo
: The Chastity Belt Duel by Jalisko
: Underground by Requiem
: The Killing Machine by ZTN
: The Rage by ZTN
You can download the pak at
I hope you will enjoy these maps as much as I have and the people who helped me test them. Leave ur comments in the comments section :) | |
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