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2017-10-06 Summer Of Q2 Cup Finale 2017-09-10 Pepek passed away 2017-08-27 David wins at QuakeCon 2017-07-10 q2scene discord 2016-11-20 All-Stars TDM for Chr ... 2016-10-25 server change
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Through last few months a group of polish q2 players with really talented programmer Harven as a leader have worked hardly over a new q2mod called
TDM. Mod is based on q2 engine and physics which means that it's addition to the game. Mainly goal of Harven's team is to kick out old mods : battleground and tourney. Everything was written from beginning to the end on a clean q2 code.
Here are the features of TDM :
- division on 2 teams,
- division on warmup/pregame/countdown/match,
- commands connected with team management : pickplayer/pick, kickplayer/kickp, lockteam/lock, unlockteam/unlock,
- forcing respawn after 5s,
- new voting way - voting results and mode visible all the time on center of the screen, so everybody can see it
- possibility to vote with vote yes/vote no, yes/no commands,
- vote map map_name (reading from server's maps.lst) ,
- vote bfg 1/0,
- vote timelimit/tl,
- vote powerups 1/0 (pent i quad on, off),
- vote kickuser user_id, it permits to kick a player from server with voting,
- hud command - it permits turn on or off hud in game, hud is derived from q3promode, we can see all the time which weapons and how much ammo we have, when you type "hud" once it activates,twice turns off flashing icons, three times - hud turns off,
-id command - it permits to identify ONLY your teammates while aiming at them. id format looks like that : name, %h/%a screen from game
- status get shorted, if you have 100 health and 50 units of combat armor, it looks so : 100 50,after typing %h and %a or 100 healt 50 units of combat armor, after typing %H and %A. Weapons : %W Railgun, %w RG,
- quader and invulner have their separated places at hud
- time command permits to stop the game for 60 seconds,
- observers in game time can only speak to each other, obsmode wishper,
- if the player isn't moving for 2 minutes, he will be thrown out to spec
- very complex accuracy/stats - it shows effectiveness for all guns + number of taken items, for example:
body armor - 7
quad damage - 13
megahelath - 2
- sets = matchinfo from tourney,
- very complex scorebar : frags, net, ping, avgp (average ping)
- hand 3 - everything are shooted directly from screen center, it will help to avoid inaccurate rockets problem and blowing yourself up :)
- possibility to spec players
- scores are visible in right-low screen corner and it have format (your frags)team frags : enemy's frags, for example, score 130:88, with 38 of your frags: (38)130:88
- adminning - Harven's team is working over a very complex admin mode, at the moment it have only basic functions : kick, ban, timelimit change, bfg etc. Logging the same as in battleground
Mod is being created, improved all the time, mistakes are being found and corrected. You can test it on this server : kubus3.rulez.pl:27914 thanks to Yossarian's kindness :) .
TDM main site :
- under construction
Harven's team are :
Harven - main programmer,
0N1 - idea, beta tester,
As_Best - webmaster, beta tester, project developer,
Masiv - engine programmer,
Claymore - site programmer,
That was first news about TDM that appeared on polish service, but Harven's team have already created version 0.2 of TDM. It contains few new features :
-appearing messages about time left to the end of match,
-countdown when it's 10 seconds to the end of match,
-automatic displayed accuracy/stats at the end of match,
-corrected scoreboard : players are queued by frags and net.
-after the match is over, winner's team name is appearing instead of time counter
I've asked top polish q2dm player Assasin and one of TDM makers As_Best what they think about new TDM mod.
I must add that Assasin tested it especially for us :).
Assasin :
That what is at the bottom of the screen (he meant weapon,health etc. icons) should be interchangeable with hud or maybe there should be possibility to place hud where you want to just like in q3. Map change should be improved. Overall everything seems ok in this mod.
As_Best :
From player's point of view it shouldn't be different from other mods, maybe exept hud and id. Players that are used to play on battleground shouldn't have any problems with transfer to TDM. Most of player commands are identical. The differences intentionally are only in admin panel.
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