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BDL #3
IRC: #balkan.q2
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Balkanska Duel Liga – 1 – Pravila

1.1. Balkanska Duel Liga (BDL) je online 1-na-1 Quake 2 turnir, u kojem bilo koji igrac moze sudjelovati, sve dok je ta osoba iz drzava navedenih dolje.
1.2. Lista dozvoljenih drzava (abecednim redom): Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Hrvatska, Grcka, Makedonija, Rumunjska, Srbija, Slovenija i Turska.
1.3. Ligu nadzire crew, koja je odgovorna za postojanje lige i njezin tijek. Crew je takodjer odgovorna za kreiranje i azuriranje pravila.
1.4. Pravila su objavljena prije pocetka turnira i ne mijenjaju se/ pravila se odnose kako su objavljena tokom cijelog turnira.
1.5. Neki FACERS koji nisu izlistani u pravilima, ili ih je nemoguce rijesiti pravilima, rjesava ih crew.
1.6. Igraci koji sudjeluju u turniru, duzni su se pridrzavati i postivati pravila i crew. Bilo kakav prekrsaj ili povreda pravila je kaznjiv. ( vidi pod Prekrsaji i Sankcije)
1.7. Ovlašteni IRC channel turnira je #edc.q2 at Quakenet.

Shema Turnira
1.8. Turnir se sastoje od dvije faze : faza grupiranja i playoff.
1.9. Faza grupiranja :
1.9.1. Nakon sto su prijave zavrsene, crew dijeli igrace u grupe.
1.9.2. Tijekom faze grupiranja, igraci igraju jedni protiv drugih. Datum za igranje meca je odredjen rasporedom (vidi pod Raspored)
1.9.3. Mecevi odigrani u fazi grupiranja, igraju se na 3 najbolje odigrane mape.
1.9.4. Na pocetku meca, svaki igrac bira svoju mapu (vidi pod Lista mapa). Oboje igraca mogu odabrati istu mapu kao svoju HOME map. Ako je i nakon dvije mape rezultat jednak, treca mapa se bira sljedecim nacinom:
Za mec na neutralnom serveru : igrac sa vecim brojem fragova bira koji ce igrac zapoceti eliminaciju mapa. Eliminacija mapa je proces, tijekom kojeg igaci naizmjence elimiraju mape sa liste, sve dokle ne ostane jedna, te se na posljednjoj odigra mec.
Za mec koji se igra home/away : igrac sa vecim brojem fragova, moze odabrati server ili mapu. Ukoliko igrac odabere mapu, drugi igrac moze odabrati server i obrnuto. Server mora biti jedan od dvoje na kojem su se prijasnje dvije mape odigrale. Igrac ne moze odabrati mapu koja je vec bila upotrijebljena.
1.10. Playoff
2.3.1. Broj igraca koji nastavljaju u playoff direktno ovisi o broju igraca koji sudjeluju u turniru i broju grupa koje sastavi posada.
Broj igraca koji nastavlja u playoff objavljeno je isti dan kad su i grupe javne.
2.3.2. Stablo playoff-a slijedi sistem eliminacije pojedinca.
2.3.3. Igraci u prvom kolu playoff-a suocavaju se : pobjednik grupe A suocava se sa zadnjim iz grupe B, drugi iz grupe A suocava se sa predzadnjim iz grupe B, itd.
2.3.4. Playoff se igra na 5 najbolje odigranih mapa.
2.3.5. Svaki igraca odabere po dvije mape, ako nakon cetiri mape rezultat izjednacen, peta mapa bira se kao u tocki 2.2.4.

Admini i igraci
1.11. Admin
1.11.1. Zadaci Admina:
pomaganje igracima da pronadju neutralni server za mec
izvještavanje rezultata i kratko izvjesce o mecu
1.11.2. Admini meceva su neutralni i objektivni promatraci : iako, igrac moze sumnjati u neutralnost admina.
1.11.3. Bilo kakve prituzbe na admine meceva salju se glavnom adminu.
1.11.4. O bilo kakvoj odluci glavnog admina nece se raspravljati.
1.12. Igraci
1.12.1. Igrac se mora prijaviti pod svojim pravim imenom (nickom –nadimkom) i koristiti ga tijekom meceva.
1.12.2. Prijavljeni igraci duzni su igrati meceve prema rasporedu.
1.12.3. Igraci se moraju pristojno ponasati i posteno igrati.

1.13. Runda = tjedan rasporedjenih meceva. Svaka runda pocinje u ponedjeljak i zavrsava u srijedu (21 CET).
1.14. Admini odlucuju tko igra s kim, i tijekom koje runde u fazi grupiranja, parovi su objavljeni na web stranici BDL na pocetku faze grupiranja. U slucaju neparnog broja igraca u grupi, ta grupa pauzira, tj. svaki igrac u toj grupi.
1.15. Igraci su duzni igrati i završiti mec tijekom set rounda za mec. Dopusteno je igrati ovlastene igre rundi koje jos nisu pocele.
4.4.1. Nakon sto se igraci sloze oko vremena i datuma , moraju potraziti nekoga iz crew-a da objavi to na rasporedu.
4.4.2. Ukoliko se igraci ne sloze oko vremena i datuma, nadzorni ce sam odabrati datum, umjesto:
- ako jedan igrac nedostaje tijekom cijele runde, datum ce biti odabran u korist drugog igraca,
- ukoliko oboje igraca nedostaju tijekom cijele runde, nadzorni ce odabrati nasumice datum.
4.4.3. Ako se jedan igrac ne pojavi na dogovoreni datum i vrijeme ( tocka 5.4.) tada ce biti w/o u korist drugog igraca. Ukoliko se oboje igraca ne pojavi, tada ce biti -1 bod kazna za svakog igraca. Za playoff , gdje se oboje igraca ne pojavi, nadzorni ce nasumce odabrati igraca koji odlazi u sljedecu rundu.

Prije meca
1.16. Igraci moraju biti prisutni na IRC on #edc.q2 channel (Quakenet) 30 minuta prije nego sto igra pocne. Tijekom te igre igraci se dogovaraju oko servera.
1.17. Ukoliko se igraci ne slose oko neutralnog servera , pomoc admina se moze (i treba) zatraziti. Inace se igra home/away sistem mapa. Home map se uvijek igra na away serveru.
1.18. Redoslijed mapa ovisi o tocnosti objavljenog meca na web stranici : mapa home igrač1.19. a uvijek se igra prva. Home player je onaj igrac koji se pojavi prvi na upisu meceva na web stranici (hometeam versus awayteam).
1.20. Ako se igrac ne pojavi nakon 20 minuta od dogovorenog vremena za mec, izgubit ce mec ukoliko se igraci ne dogovore o premjestanju meca na drugi datum.

9. Prekrsaji i sankcije
9.1. Bilo kakvi prekrsaji pravila rezultirati ce opomenom ili kaznom.
9.2. Veci broj opomena rezultirati ce kaznom.
9.3. Odluka o kazni biti ce donijeta od strane crew-a. Postoje razlicite kazne.

gl & hf ;)

BDL rules (c) edl


1.1 European Duel League (EDL) is an online Quake 2 duel tournament, which goal is to reveal the best european dueler. It is open to any player who has a decent enough connection to be able to play against other players from countries mainly across the Europe.
1.2 The league is supervised by a crew of people and all important decisions are taken among this crew. Abusive behavior towards the organization team can be punished.
1.3 The spirit of the rules always prevail on the letter.
1.4 Any behavior taken by a player to intentionally harm the league or one of its matches can be punished.



2.1.1 Number of players chosen by the admins will be distributed in elimination groups (the rest is put directly into the group stage).
2.1.2 During the elimination stage, players are playing versus each other.
2.1.3 Matches in eliminations are played as best of 3 maps.
2.1.4 Each player picks 1 map and the 3rd map is picked as follows:
- For the games played on a neutral server: the player who scored the most frags after the first two maps can choose who starts to eliminate the maps out of the remaining-maps list.
- For games played home/away: the player who scored the most frags after the first two maps can choose EITHER the server OR the map. If this player decides to pick the server, the other player will choose the map and vice versa. The server picked will always be one of the two servers used for the previous maps.


2.2.1 Remaining part of the players from step 2.1.1 and winners of elimination groups will be distributed into the groups by admins.
2.2.2 During the group stage, players are playing versus each other.
2.2.3 Matches in this group are played as best of 3 maps.
2.2.4 Map picking is done in a same way as pointed in 2.1.4


2.3.1 The 4 best players of each group are qualified for the playoffs.
2.3.2 The PlayOff tree follows a single-elimination system.
2.3.3 The 1/8 games will be for example a1 vs b4, a2 vs b3 and b2 vs a3 and so on.
2.3.4 PlayOff games are played as a best of 5 maps.
2.3.5 Each player picks 2 maps, if 5th map is needed, it will be picked with the elimination system (the players eliminate the maps turn by turn out of the remaining-maps list in a same way as pointed in 2.1.4).



3.1.1 Admin tasks:
- Helping the players to find a neutral server to play the match.
- Entering the result of the match and writing a brief report about it.
3.1.2 Match admins are supposed to be neutral; nevertheless a player can refuse an admin if the neutrality of this admin is not trusted.
3.1.3 Any complaints about a match admin should be sent to the head admins.
3.1.4 Admin decision and league supervisor can't be a subject of discussion.


3.2.1 All the players have to be able to do their duty of playing one game per week.
3.2.2 A player can sign up only with his real nick.
3.2.3 The players must play the matches with the nickname they have signed up with to the EDL.
3.2.4 Players should behave and play fair.
3.2.5 Players that show no interest in the league can be kicked out by league supervisor.


4.1 One round = one week. Each player HAS TO play one game/week, with an exception mentioned in the rule 4.2.
4.2 Admins decide who plays vs whom in group stage and pairs will be announced on EDL website. In every round there will be free round for one person in a group which has odd amount of players.
4.3 Players are responsible for playing their game within the given time of 1 week. Playing more is not forbidden, we encourage you to play as many games as you can.
4.4a After players set the time and date of the game, they must ask someone from the crew to update the website with new information.
4.4b If they don't agree on a date by themselves, the supervisors will force the date. If one player has not been available for a whole week, the game is forced in favor of the other player, otherwise it's a neutral date.
4.4c If a player does not show up on the date of the forced/scheduled game, it will result in a w/o in favor of the player who showed up. If neither player showed up during the group stage, both players will receive the penalty points of a w/o (-1p/-50f). During the playoffs, randomly chosen player will get w/o, in order to get the other player to next round.
4.5 Every round will start on Monday and will end on Sunday. If game is not played by Sunday 21 CET, or it's not scheduled for later in same day, the game will be forced according to rule 4.4b.


5.1 Half an hour before the game, the players must meet each other on the IRC. In this half hour, they have to choose the most neutral (playable) server for the both.
5.2 If the players cannot manage to find a neutral server, they can ask an admin to help them. Otherwise the game can be played home/away. Home map is played on a away server.
5.3 The order of the maps depends on the exact entry of the match on the website: the map of the home player is always played first. The home player is the player who appears first in the entry of the match on the website (hometeam vs awayteam).
5.4 If a player has not showed up 20 minutes after the scheduled time of the match, he will lose by forfeit unless both players will agree on rescheduling the match.



- Maps: q2dm1, q2dm3, q2rdm1, q2rdm2, match1, ptrip, q2duel5, ztn2dm2, ztn2dm3, q2duel1/aeroq2 and q2rdm7.
- Timelimit = 15
- Powerups 0
- BFG 0
- showing ID not allowed
- Overtime timed 1 min (if possible, but since admin rights is needed to change this we will sometimes have to use what the server has set).
- Obsmode whisper if possible.
- Skins: male/grunt & female/athena. Hometeam will use female skin and awayteam will use male skin, if argue about skins appear.

6.2 Players are allowed to have 90 seconds timeout per map. However this rule might be hard to be followed exactly 'by the book', so we've got to cope with the situation.
6.3 A game that is played with incorrect settings is not considered official and will not be counted as an EDL game.
6.4 When player overflows or server crashes - the game is re-played with the timelimit left before the crash +3minutes. Frags from both parts of the match counts.
6.5 During countdown, players may not touch buttons/lifts to change the state of the map at start.
6.6 Games from elimination and group stages don't need an admin, but screenshots and demos will be required from both players.


7.1 Points distribution:
* 2 - 0 : 3 points
* 2 - 1 : 2 points
* 1 - 2 : 1 point
* 0 - 2 : 0 point
* w/o : -1 point -50 frags

7.2 If two players have the same amount of points, the outcome of their match will decide which player gets the higher position. If three players have the same amount of points and player A won over player B, player B over C and C over A, net will decide which player gets the highest position.
7.3 When a player leaves in middle of the league, all the games involving this player are turned into forfeits.
7.4 When a player gets his third w/o, he is automatically kicked out of the league.


8.1 Bots, wallhacks, speedhacks, spiked models and ANY OTHER KIND OF CHEAT are prohibited and using it will result in a kickban from the league.
8.2 Valid Q2 clients: R1Q2, AprQ2 and EGL coupled with the anticheat.dll module (available on this website).
8.3 Valid Q2 servers: servers with enforced R1CH's anticheat.
8.4 Both players MUST record demos from every map and keep them until the end of the league!
8.4a Admins may ask for those demos at any time.
8.4b If a player can't provide a demo that admin asks from him, this can result in a warning and be interpreted against him in case of cheat investigations.


9.1 Any violation of these rules can result in a warning or a punishment.
9.2 Numerous warnings for one player will result in a punishment.
9.3 The decision about the punishment is made among the admins. There is variety of punishments, from forfeiting the match to kickban from the league.

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