Also interesting match between team ESTONIA versus NETHERLAND.
We had some complications and troubles with some player from EST team.Well he pinged
almost everywhere in EU servers 120,but only on homeservers he was ok and on FIN server- SKENE.
First we were looking on some NL, CZ servers, but after 20min we found some SWE server,
i think it was harva or something,the ping here was totaly perfect,both teams had around
40,45 ping ... but the same avarage,well but when 4th player,actually two players
from EST team connected,they both had 120,130 ping. So,we took home/away and we
all thought it was the most fair thing to do.
Infos about both team first,
EST team: HIRZUUH,Dekart,Veriz,ReFF and Zipax
NL team: Sanquin,Rush,Darky and one and only Arch ! :)
EST team picked Q2DM3 and NL team picked Q2DM2.
So,first map was played on NL home server - stenho.
Q2DM3(EST choice)
Well, NL players had much better ping thats for sure,it was their home server,so they
didnt had any problems with the opponent. They took lead,and after 5min of game already
had +15frag advantage. NL players pushed on EST team even more and managed to make even
bigger difference which was already +40,and during 12min EST team woke up a bit and showed
how can they play,when they turn on the maximum of their game. But still,NL team managed
to keep the lead,and they added +10 more from +40frags advantage before.
NL team won this map. And score,
Q2DM2(NL choice)
Well map wasnt actually played on home server of EST team,but it was played on SKENE- FIN server,
buts still it was pretty fair. The avarage ping advantage for EST was pretty the same as NL
team had it on EST on stenho server. Well must say,i kinda expected EST to play more agressive
and more defence style from NL team. They were both pretty good at,but still NL showed as a better
team and after 5min already got +25frags advantage.Well EST team started to fight back and try
to took over the leading positions.But the procedure was pretty slow,in 10min of game was still
+20 for NL and 2minutes before game they reduced the advantage to +15 for NL. But suddenly
EST run out of energy,and NL team made +40frag difference. Pretty amazing how score can change.
Well the same situtaion was in game between FIN and POR on dm6. That was just for information.
So,final score,
Conclusion: Pretty unluck for EST team,i think they can play better,but still nice game
against NL team. Good game both,and good luck in next rounds.
Players of the match: HIRZUUH from EST team,as always,no comment :)
and Rush from NL team,also very nice,i dont know him pretty much,but still,he just
impressed me :)
//report by DUUUGGH^//