I think you guys will do fine, when playing on the US servers - you all have great railz. That match wasn't all about ping, more about gaming styles - ping isn't everything.
There is no doubt a huge difference in team playing styles, where control of pads/spawns is key in yours, ours is more open. I can't allow myself to squat in front of a spawn pad and shoot - just doesn't seem legit nor sporstman like. But, like we talked after that match, everyone has there own thing, so it is what it is.
None the less, it was good to meet you all - we (naI.) all did this to have fun and meet you folks across the ponds. GG.
S1nn3R.naI: Ye i agree, it's hard as hell to play with pingdisadvantage at a iTDM-war. But next time we're gonna play at your home-server, so you'll have the same pingadvantage then
Yeh its ping rape no doubt, and i dont feel comfortable at all with it. If i win i wanna win when everythings equal so everybody would just stfu. Anyway its not in our hands to choose the servers. The deal is this game on our server next game on US server. I guess we get ping raped then.
Frankly, i think there is to little opposition in this league. There is one clan that could win a map vs us and thats RmR the rest is just 2ez, Thats a fact not fiction
Well lets say that it was not that fun... I didnt see the first game but i played the second game, and playin dm7 with this ping is absolutely ridiculous and un-enjoyable... especially a 4 on 4...
Whats the use of playing when you spawn and get railed right away? its like oh clic! too late your dead! lol