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NiDML Reloaded I
IRC: #nidml
Sign ups: off
Transfers: no
Players limit: 20
User's clans: off

Round I2007-03-05 13:22 | Revo_
It's time to start the first round of this seasons NiDML and tonight we've got some really nice matches to watch. First of all I just want to remind you that DivII games are played tomorrow at the same time and the servers will be up at the page some hours before the games start. So be sure to check the page so you know where to play.

Tonight's games:

flag uQ vs flag RmR
Server: q2scene.net NiDML Server #1|

flag stheno vs flag Tjena=)
Server: ProGamers-Q2-OSP[Team]#3|

flag 3c vs flag *es
Server: EUnet Q2 OSP I|

The maps for this round are Q2dm1 and Q2next1.

Good luck to every clan and remember to take screenshots and record demos!
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Allowed servers!2007-03-04 16:43 | Revo_
Every match we (admins) decide a server that we think is the best one for every player in each clan. You must have a anticheat-valid client to be able to play at these servers: R1Q2, egl or aprq2.

Below you can see the list of allowed servers that we're gonna choose from. And of course if you know some server that's missing please write a comment and we will add it.

Allowed servers:
flag Das TAK! Quake2 #1|
flag Das TAK! Quake2 #2|
flag mHs www.madHerosquad.com Tourney|
flag Telenet Quake2 Warserver (TDM)|
flag q2scene.net NiDML Server #1|
flag EUnet Q2 OSP I|
flag EUnet Q2 OSP II|
flag ProGamers-Q2-OSP[Team]#3|
flag TSUA.NET Quake 2 Teamplay|
flag tastyspleen.net::tourney4|
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Divisions and Schedules2007-03-04 09:08 | Gravgon
Clans have been put in the divisions and you can check that on your right.

uQ hasn't been placed in any division because they didn't edit their team or added the squad. They still have until today @ 20:00 to do it, after that time the scheduls will be announced and the league will be able to start (with or without them).

Thanks for your patience, the nature of the league requires that everything is set before it starts and that's why it takes some time to get ready.
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Squads and league schedule2007-02-23 07:33 | Gravgon
The signups are almost completed, we are waiting for a couple of last teams which are likely to sign up and the league will be ready to start!

All the currently signed up teams have been added to the website and the captains can now edit their team squad and infos.

The divisions and schedules will be announced on Sunday and the first day of the league will be on Monday 26th February.
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NiDML: A new beginning...2007-02-12 12:30 | Gravgon

Welcome to The Neverending Insta DeathMatch League! On the ashes of the former NiDML, we decided to build a brand new insta league which is supposed to be different and complementary to the already well established CB iTDM Cup.
Despite a quite good start, the former NiDML never ended and that's why you can take the new name as a pun directed to the previous league but also to what this new one will feature. This will no longer be a Nations league (although you can perfectly sign up a country national team if you want so).

Another thing that needs to be introduced is the word "league". That's right, this word is used in the q2scene to describe what is, in fact, a cup. With the NiDML, it will not be the case! This is a league and not a cup. For the people who remember, it will ressemble the old Jolt leagues.

The goal of this league is to provide a new competition platform for the insta scene which would be cleared of the major problems surrounding the usual insta cups: the whine, the server discussion and the match scheduling.

Now here are all the vital infos...

The league


- 2 divisions (or more depending on the signups)
- Only 1 group in each division
- Clans play vs. each other twice
- No playoffs!
- At the end of the league, gold goes to div1 winner, silver goes to div1 runner up, bronze goes to div1 3rd place. The 2 div1 clans ranked last are relegated to div2 next season.
- At the end of the league, the 2 best ranked clans of div2 are promoted to div1 next season.
- 1 map win = 1 point
- 2 maps of 15 minutes each are played every round (no tie-breaker)


No scheduling needed, all games are played on fixed days of the week:
- Div1 games on Mondays 20:00cet
- Div2 games on Tuesdays 20:00cet


Servers are predetermined for every games by the admins. They will be picked in a restricted selection of good (good connection quality, proper configuration, up to date anticheat protection) insta servers around Europe.


- Timelimit 15
- Hook: OFF
- Teamhurt ON
- 4on4
- Regular spawns
- Maps: q2dm1, q2dm2, q2dm3, q2dm5, q2dm6, q2dm8, q2rdm2 (subject to additions)


Signups are opened until Sunday 18th February at midnight. To sign up your team you must contact Revo or me (Gravgon) on IRC (channel #nidml @ quakenet.org) and give us the following infos:
- Clan name
- Clan tag
- Clanleader account name on q2scene.net
- Team squad

You got it, this is a "no bullshit" league, take it or leave it! But if you decide to sign up, you are ensured to have a good old iTDM 4on4 match already scheduled and ready to play every week. The seasons will follow each others quite fast. Of course this league is less likely to provide top notch insta games than the CB Cup...
You might not get your best lineup every week and sometimes you will have the ping advantage on a server and sometimes not. But this league is there to come back to the roots of instagib: Rail and relax.

Taste the new insta flavah and sign up!

Clans signed up so far:

- flag RmR - RiDe mY RaiL - StaN & West
- flag qR - Quake Republic - STimpy
- flag Tjena=) - Tjenare Grabben =) - Revo & zyclop
- flag stheno - Stheno e'Sports - SanQuin
- flag GF^ - Good Fellas - H4Z0RD
- flag nHm - nobody Hits me - Reign
- flag 3c - eleete clan - locke & shoowax
- flag TF - Twilight Fighters - otpek
- flag .naI - North America I - S1nn3R
- flag .naII - North America II - FYAtroll
- flag uQ - Undying Quakers - Nescio
- flag 0tp - zero team_play - RYD3L & JUN1OR
- flag eS - eatSlugs - frikA
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