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2019-01-11 Season 7!
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Season 7!2019-01-11 09:21 | claire
Recently our friend xawik approached me about running a season of Edge league. Since EDL is winding down and will soon be over this is a perfect time to try it again.

Xaw seems to be having trouble posting news on the site (not sure why), so I'm posting this on his behalf.

Signups are currently open. I'll try to find out more about timing and update this post, or maybe xaw will comment with more details.

I encourage everyone to sign up for this league. The Edge is Quake 2; it's been ported to many different games and remade dozens of times, but the original map is the apotheosis of Q2. I guarantee when you think about playing Q2 your first thought is about q2dm1.

Even if you're not that familiar with the map, don't have a good strategy, or don't like getting your feet wet; you can always just hide at upper rocket launcher...

Good luck, and pray for chaingun spawns
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Season #6 Officially Done2016-06-01 11:33 | claire
Due to a lack of player interest, I'm officially calling season #6 done. Maybe we can try again soon or change the format somehow to make it fresh.

Enjoy your summer!
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Analysis and Prediction (p3)2016-02-04 19:57 | claire
Analysis and Prediction - part 3 by Myrmidon


I would be lying if I said that Group C was unpredictable. The predictions for this group are a no brainer, but there are some interesting match-ups nevertheless. I might as well start with the elephant in the room, Damiah, because he's a potential finalist.

Damiah has won the Edge league twice before (seasons one and three), taking down top EDL dueller, Numavezi, and last seasons Edge champion, PURRI, both of which are no easy feat. This automatically makes him a front-runner for the title, but that all depends on whether Damiah can keep it together. In recent years, he's been very hit-and-miss in terms of performance; some games he will crush his opponent with no difficulty, and other games he will continuously miss crucial shots. I feel this comes down to a lack of practice, or maybe age getting the better of him, as it does the most of us. But there is no room for mistakes in the Edge league, and Damiah is someone who can easily get frustrated with his performance if things don't go his way. This can make his patience deteriorate leaving him susceptible to mistakes.

All that aside, Damiah is one of the strongest and most seasoned duellers in Quake 2 history, and it shows throughout his EDL games. He thrives on control and is able to lock down a map better than most others, making it extremely difficult for his opponent to accomplish even the simplest of tasks, such as collecting weapons or armour. He doesn't possess the best aim in Quake 2, but it's still a very accurate and vicious aim, especially with the chaingun and rocket launcher. Due to his masterful control of the spawn locations, he demoralizes his enemy to such an extent that their aim rarely becomes a threat anyway.

Troop is the most inexperienced player in Group C, but what he lacks in experience he makes up with a desire to learn and improve, making the Edge league more of a educational process rather than a quest for victory. But Troop shouldn't be doubted; he has an above average aim considering his level of understanding for the game, and if he gets you in his crosshair then the chances are he'll kill you. His aim is like a continuous barrage of rockets and rails that are surprisingly accurate and stressful to avoid.

I feel that Sol is the dark horse of the group. He's always a quiet, behind the scenes kind of player who practices only with those he trusts. Sol, in terms of playstyle, is very similar to Stigmata, but slightly less refined. He's a very practice orientated player, and though he has reasonably good aim and movement, there is nothing particularly spectacular about his performance. However, he is quite an oldschool player with a lot of experience, and he's no fool when it comes to competitive games. He'll do what it takes to win his matches, and if I remember correctly, Sol is a fighter.

Faint is the one player in this group that could potentially give Damiah a run for his money. Like Xawik, Faint is a product of the Polish servers, and it's prominent in his play style. He's a reasonably aggressive player, but his zeal tends to be more controlled than that of Xawik and others. This makes his play style very bold and dominant, and his emphasis on the rocket launcher and chaingun compliments this approach, making his engagements in the megahealth room particularly deadly. But like all aggressive players, Faint lacks coherent control and original strategy. Many of the players in the Edge league will be able to dance around Faint like a bee poking at an angry bear's head. This isn't because Faint is slow and unrefined, it's because he uses very common and standard strategy that any cunning dueller will use against him.

And last but not least, we have Gusius. As a player, Gusius is very hit-and-miss. Some games he can seem particularly good, challenging even the most experienced of duellers, and other games he will struggle to produce any worthwhile results. He's not a player to be underestimated, though, and if given the chance, he can make life difficult for his opponent. He aim and strategy are reasonably average. But his lack of understanding for strategy and control makes Gusius a very random and unpredictable opponent, and this incoherence can vex even the most intelligent and experienced duellers, catching them off guard.


As I mentioned at the start of this article, the predictions for this group are straight forward. One would have to be foolish to suggest that Damiah might not make it to the bracket stage, but there is one player that could potentially hinder his progress, and that is Faint. There is little doubt in my mind that Damiah will take first place in this group, but Faint is destined for second place. And who knows, he may even cause the first place upset.

As for third place, I feel it is a toss up between Toop, Sol, and Gusius. But if I had to pick one of them, I would go with Sol, because I feel his years of duelling experience will carry him through. Gusius and Troop shouldn't be counted out, either. For some players, some days are better than others, and if Troop and Gusius bring their A-game then who knows who will come third.
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Analysis and Prediction (p2)2016-02-02 07:56 | claire
Analysis and Prediction - part 2 by Myrmidon


Group B, in my opinion, is the most interesting, because each of the players are incredibly close in terms of skill. Everyone in Group B has the ability to make it to the brackets, and that makes for fierce and exciting games. The only exception, who is considered among the strongest duellers in Quake 2, is Isbjorn, and that's the player I am going to start with.

Like C12, I've known Isbjorn for a very long time. In fact, the first time I ever met Isbjorn was over a few close and exhilarating games on DM1, and if I could sum him up in one word, it would be "elegant". He is an extremely smooth dueller. All aspects of his play are strong (strategy, aim, and movement), and he has an uncanny ability to dodge shots, especially rockets, which makes him difficult to kill a lot of the time.

Now, you might be asking yourself, how does one beat a player like that? Well the truth is, Isbjorn isn't unbeatable. There are people in this league that have better aim and movement than Isbjorn, and some (very few, but some) people can compete with him on a strategic level, so there are weaknesses in his armour. However, recently taking down PURRI on DM1 in the EDL is a huge boost to his confidence, and a confident player is less shaken by nerves, but more likely to take unnecessary risks.

Next on my list is a player that, with some hard work and a bit of luck, has the potential to take first place. Stigmata is a division one EDL player, and though he's considered one of the mid-range players in that division, he can still put up a fight and take maps off players. In this season of EDL, we saw Stigmata beat DM on DM1 in a very close match which ended with a score of 4-3, and he then went on to play Isbjorn losing with a score of 8-6. Still, the scores are close, and that tells us that Stigmata won't yield so easily.

As a player, Stigmata is very experience orientated, and he doesn't possess any kind of unique or special skill that many of the high-end division one heavyweights have. His aim, movement, and strategy are above average, though, and his sheer determination and commitment to practice make him refined and formidable.

Salad aka Kinex is a player that has been around for many years, and has the experience to show for it. Throughout numerous European Duel Leagues he's stood firmly in the higher echelons of division two, but he's always fighting wounded; his slow and unpredictable internet has been a hindrance for many years now, and it restrains his true potential. These problems can sometimes get the better of Salad, surpressing his competitive spirit, and making him feel like it's pointless to even try.

On the other hand, Salad is a very enthusiastic and energtic player, and his aim can be deadly if left unchecked. He's a player that I, personally, don't underestimate. I know that if someone places a railgun in Salad's hands, and he finds some room to breath, then he can hit anything and everything. Many times I was left baffled after being on the receiving end of that aim. Salad isn't the strongest of strategists but he knows how to control a map, and if given the chance, he will dominate the megahealth room and pressure his opponent into submission. Salad's biggest weakness, though, is his impatient attitude with himself and his internet; but if he can learn to accept his situation and deal with it more calmly, he has a good shot at the bracket stage.

If there is one player in Group B that is a mystery, it's Detina. Judging from his match history throughout the EDL, he has done quite well in division three. But one match in particular sticks out: the recent game he played against Quad, who just happens to be another participant in this group. During his series, he lost on DM1 against Quad by a score of 10-8. Now this doesn't mean that Quad, or the other player for that matter, will beat Detina. The score was close, and this leaves it open to interpretation and speculation. If Detina can finish top of division three in EDL then that means he's a fighter, and shouldn't be underestimated.

Quad on the other hand is someone I've had the pleasure of playing with from time to time, and though I feel he is less experienced than the majority of the group, his aim -- his railgun in particular -- has quite a bite. Even some division one EDL players such as Numavezi have commented on Quad's surprising aim. It's like a hidden fist that spontaneously lunges at his unsuspecting opponent.

As I have already mentioned, Quad is not the most experienced of players, and this is clearly evident when he plays, but he's very open minded, and likes to practice and learn whenever he has the time. He's still trying to grasp the concept of duel, and how it differs from team death match. But once Quad is able to shake off the simplicities of Quake 2, and understand the deeper aspects such as pace, control, and strategy, he will be able to combine them with his aim, and have reasonable chance of making it to the bracket stage. The question is: will he put in the time and effort?

Last on the list, but certainly not least, is Kondrat -- a player which some may consider controversial. I've encountered Kondrat myself on a number of occassions, and walked away from the games feeling somewhat skeptical. Something didn't feel right. I had a hunch that Kondrat wasn't all that he was made out to be. His whole playstyle seemed unorthodox, and the fact that he refuses to upload demos doesn't support his claim as a legitimate player.

However, if Kondrat is clean then he's a player with a lot of potential. His aim is very focused and steady, and he seems to have an uncanny gift of knowing exactly where his opponent is at all times. He's an aggressive player that tries to kill as swiftly as possible, or surpress his opponent at every possible opportunity; but he isn't scared to change the pace of his game at a moments notice, either, or turn defensive when necessary. On the flip side, Kondrats aggression can be his undoing, and he can unwittingly fall for even the most basic of tactics, which suggests he lacks experience.


Though I feel there are some playes in Group B that could give Isbjorn a good run for his money, I can't see them overcoming his majestic skills. Isbjorn might lose a map or two over the course of the group stage, but I predict that he will take first place.

As for the rest of the group -- and this is where it gets interesting -- it's a toss-up between the rest of the players. If I had to pick anyone for second place, I would pick Stigmata; but at the same time, I also feel that Stigmata isn't as strong on DM1 as he is on other maps. If Salad has good conditions, he has the potential to cause some upsets, but, again, it depends on the circumstances.

Overall, I feel that second place will be a fierce battle between Stigmata and Kondrat, which will be played on a Russian server where they both have an ideal playing environment. One thing's for sure, it's going to be a very scrappy and competitive group.
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Analysis and Prediction (p1)2016-01-27 12:10 | claire
Analysis and Prediction by Myrmidon


That’s right folks, the Edge duel league is back once again. The pinnacle of Quake 2 duel is in its sixth season running, and twenty brave souls have come forth to test their mettle on the king of all maps.

Unfortunately, each season has suffered a decline in both numbers and skill, resulting in a smaller league that struggles to satisfy the community’s lust for excitement and greatness. The absence of Edge league heavy weights such as PURRI, who was last season’s winner, Warrior, and myself, leaves many aspiring players with a lack of incentive to participate, but they don’t see it for what it truly represents – opportunity.

We have the Edge league for a reason. It’s the most played map in Quake 2 history, in both duel and team death match. Not to mention its well-rounded balance in geometric dimension, item placement, and spawns. Through these facts alone, the map demands the most elegant and refined standard from those who take up the challenge. It has transcended to a higher state, where immaculate precision, psychological strategy, and unique creativity dominate, separating the men from the boys. The Edge is the ultimate trial, and it distinguishes those who attain the right call themselves a grandmaster of Quake 2 duel.

This article will be presented in four separate parts. I will do a write up of each group and provide my thoughts on how each individual player will have an impact on the overall result. Below is my write up of Group A.

Group A

When I first saw Group A, there were two names that specifically jumped out at me: C12 and AlexJ. I instantly recalled their EDL game from a couple of years ago, when AlexJ was able to take down C12, and more specifically, one of the maps he won was the Edge. I also remembered that C12 had both lag and mouse issues during that game, so one could consider the outcome to be ambiguous and misleading. However, AlexJ has been proving to be a formidable opponent as of late, effortlessly storming division two in the EDL, leaving many to speculate whether he should’ve been seeded to division one.

During my short stint in the EDL, I performed most of my practice with C12. Having known him as both a friend and a player for many years, we spent our time trading ideas for strategies and tactics, and threw in the odd Edwin joke for good measure. Overall, I knew what to expect when going up against him, but deep down, he only confirmed a sneaking suspicion that I’d had for a while, that he was concealing his true skill. C12 is someone who plays strictly for fun. He doesn’t care so much if he wins or loses. But during our practice games, I saw his cool exterior crack, and within that carefree shell was a cunning beast. He’s very much a player that resembles that arcane style which most refer to as “old-skool”, and behind his benign personality, he hides an ability to plan and calculate better than most veteran duellers.

AlexJ, on the other hand, takes duel quite serious compared to C12, and is more likely to put in the hours of practice needed to ensure his victory. As far as I know, I’ve never duelled AlexJ (not unless fake names were involved), so I’m unable to give an accurate measurement of his abilities on the Edge. I have, however, watch some of his EDL games, and judging from what I saw, he has the potential to go far in the Edge league. I get the impression his play style mostly revolves around experience. He will play a map so much that his performance almost seems robotic. From the average players’ point of view, this seems superior and deadly, but for those handful of us who have spent the last seventeen years dedicating ourselves to understanding Quake 2 duel, this robotic style is actually very flawed. These types of players, like robots, are susceptible to weaknesses that any wise and intelligent dueller will exploit – predictability. This translates as a lack of understanding for Quake 2 duel, and the inability to think creatively.

One thing AlexJ does have in his favour is his steady patience. He seems very focused during his games, and this helps him to minimise the amount of mistakes he is prone to make throughout those fifteen minutes. His aim is also of reasonable measure. He uses what seems to be quite a high sensitivity, or settings that don’t restrict the movement of his mouse, allowing for a responsive rocket launcher aim and increased reflexes with the railgun.

The next player who caught my eye from Group A was Gravgon. Recently, before I had retired from Quake 2, I spoke to Gravgon about duel, and the Edge in particular. He has never been into duel, but he seemed enthusiastic and open minded about learning it, and his participation in the Edge league is an excellent first step.

Gravgon may not have proven himself as a dueller just yet, but like myself, he has played Quake 2 for a long time. He was knocking about when other Belgians, like Kingpin and Smalle, were playing, which only tells me one thing: he has a lot of experience under his belt. This experience is reflected in his aim, which I’ve seen numerous times during team games with Gravgon. He’s also down to earth, and puts aside his pride which abolishes any ignorance that already stonewalls many of Quake 2 players from further improving. If he’s truly dedicated to learn duel, I believe that Gravgon is a player that possesses the right cocktail of abilities to flourish in Edge league, and maybe he will surprise those who see him as a pushover.

The remaining two players that I’ve yet to mention are interesting additions to the group, and somewhat deceptive. XOPPOP from Russia is a division four EDL player, and judging from his match history, he doesn’t belong there because he had no problem finishing first place in his group. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much of XOPPOP’s playstyle, but I do know that Russian players tend to learn towards a common style similar to how AlexJ plays – very rocket launcher and experience focused. This suggests that he might be easy to dupe through the use of clever strategy. Trying to overwhelm XOPPOP using sheer aim might backfire, and giving full control to such a mechanical player could result in a struggle.

Xawik is a Polish player that encompasses the day-to-day activities seen on Polish servers. He’s very much a team game player, and it shows in his heavily aim and movement based style. The way Xawik differs from XOPPOP and AlexJ is that he is a lot rougher around the edges. He’s aggressive and relies more on brute force and fancy footwork to overcome his opponent. He may be less refined than the Russians, but his style can be very dominant if he’s allowed to take full control. Spawn raping with the railgun and chaingun will no doubt be his key objective.


Group A’s outcome will be divided in two. First place will be a battle between C12 and AlexJ, and I feel the outcome of these two will depend on how determined C12 is to win. If he puts in the practice and focuses during the game, he has a good chance of taking the top spot. However, if he slacks, then I feel that AlexJ will undoubtedly claim first place.

Third place will be a toss-up between Gravgon, Xawik, and XOPPOP. I feel that each of these players have what it takes to achieve third, but I can’t see any of them overcoming AlexJ or C12. Gravgon will most likely have the hardest time out of the three, but he should not be underestimated because he’s still a very experienced player. Once he gets the feel for duel, there is no telling who he could beat. A question mark remains over Gravgon until we see him play.

If I could put my money on anyone for third place it would be Xawik. He is a solid mid-level player that can shine if given the chance, and his aggressive vigour might be too much for Gravgon and XOPPOP to deal with. However, it can be argued that third place might go to the player that practices the most. Inactivity is something that even the best of players are affected by, and any player in this tournament that doesn’t put in the time to practice will struggle.
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