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EDL - Rules & Regulations

version 10.5 altered to suit The Edge Duel League

Constituted by Welkin for the 2011/2012 season, with connection to the 2011 Regeneration Manifesto.

Note to players: Violations of the rules and other dubious behavior that results in punishment, may be held against you in upcoming seasons of any competition.


1.1 The Edge Duel League is an online Quake2 deathmatch duel competition, open for any player regardless of location.
1.2 Official IRC channel is #edge.q2 on Quakenet, in which all participants are expected to be present when online on IRC. Any player unaccounted for may be considered absent and unavailable.
1.3 Official time zone is CET (Central European Time), meaning UTC +1:00. All timestamps on the Edge League website and in the #edge.q2 logs therefor follow CET. To be able to view timestamps on the website correctly, "time shift" needs to be set to +1:00 in your Q2scene account settings (click here for tutorial).
1.4 The league is supervised by a crew, and the crew governs the league.
1.5 Scenarios that are not covered by these rules and regulations, will be brought up for discussion among the crew members. Whatever the head admin ultimately decides, will be considered law in the incident in question.
1.6 Members of the crew are allowed to participate in the competition, and they are subject to the same rules and regulations as any other player.
1.7 Complaints concerning crew members � as either players or admins � are to be sent by email to the head admin.
1.9 The league will elapse in a smooth, fair and exemplary manner, meaning that
1.9.1 there are no wild cards,
1.9.2 participants who show no interest in the league, or disturb its progress in any way (including but not limited to avoiding opponents and postponing matches repeatedly), may be punished,
1.9.3 participants who show a lack of sportsmanship (including but not limited to insults, extensive whine and premature quitting � a.k.a. rage quitting) may be punished.



2.1.1 ELIMINATION PHASE Number of players chosen by the admins will be distributed in elimination groups when the signup amount is too big for a direct groupstage (the rest is put directly into the group stage). During the elimination stage, players are playing versus each other. Matches in eliminations are played as best of 3 maps.

2.1.2 GROUP STAGE Remaining part of the players from step and winners of elimination groups will be distributed into the groups by admins. During the group stage, players are playing versus each other. Matches in this group are played as best of 3 maps.

2.1.3 PLAYOFFS The 2 best players of each group are qualified for the playoffs. The playoff tree follows a double-elimination system. Playoff games are played as a best of 5 maps. The grand final is played as a best of 7 maps.


2.2.1 Each player will play every other player in his/her group. The order of opponents is randomly decided on.
2.2.2 A round can be of any length, but is normally one or two weeks long. It starts and ends at midnight between Sunday and Monday. Due to the varying length of the rounds, it is very important for the players to read the schedule.
2.2.3 Players have to carry out the game versus the opponent they are given each round, during the course of the round.
2.2.4 A group with an odd number of players, will each round give a free pass to one of its players � meaning no game.
2.2.5 Playing more than one game per round is not forbidden, but players are allowed to refuse to prematurely play games of future rounds.
2.2.6 When a player forfeits a match (walkover, or w/o), he will receive a penalty of -1 points (only during group phase) and -75 frags per map. In addition to that he will receive a number of warnings, as stated in section 7.2.
2.2.7 Points system during group phase:
- 2-0 : 2 pts
- 2-1 : 2 pts
- 1-2 : 1 pt
- 0-2 : 0 pts
2.2.8 In the playoffs, a player may be forced to play as much as seven or eight games during five weeks � between Mar 26th � Apr 29th.
2.2.9 Initial positioning of players in the playoff tree will have players from different groups go up against each other, and the highest ranked player of one group meet the lowest ranked player (among those who advance) of the other. For example, A1 vs B8, A2 vs B7, A3 vs B6, etc.
2.2.10 If two players end up with the same amount of points, the outcome of their match decides who gets the higher rank.
2.2.11 If three players or more have the same amount of points, and player A defeated player B, B defeated C, and C defeated A, the net will decide who gets the higher rank.



3.1.1 By signing up for this league, the player vows that he/she understands this rule sheet and acknowledges its validity. The player also agrees to treat admins and fellow players with respect and dignity.
3.1.2 Players must sign up with their �real� nicknames (meaning the nicknames they are most well known under). Signing up with a fake nickname will result in punishment � most probably being directly kicked from the league, and possibly even banned.
3.1.3 When signing up for the league, the player must provide an admin with an email address on which it will be able to reach him/her at any time. Failure to do so before the sign ups deadline, may annul the player�s registration. Email addresses are collected as a step to lighten the work load for admins during season.
3.1.4 Players are to provide their email addresses either by
a) an email to quake2edge at gmail dot com,
b) using the Q2scene.net messenger, to message Welkin, or
c) IRC (the admin must confirm having received the message).


3.2.1 Players are expected to schedule their games on their own, without admins� help, using the comment section on the individual webpage of each match. To access these webpages, simply click on "schedule" (in the left menu on the main Edge League site), and then on the match's "date" link (located to the left of the players' names).
3.2.2 By the start of each round, both players shall submit a comment (as stated in 3.2.1) with all dates and times during the course of the round, when they are able to show up and play. This should be followed by a dialogue between the players, where they agree on a specific time and date (preferably by continuing using the comment feature).
3.2.3 Any comment made on the website, that has been edited, may be considered invalid.
3.2.4 If the players are able to come to an agreement and schedule the game in any other way, they are naturally allowed to skip 3.2.2. However, be warned, if an argument arises, the admins may not be able to heed anything other than the comments made on the game's webpage.
3.2.5 Postponing a game is only allowed if both players can agree on a specific future round to postpone it to. Such an agreement (with the number of the round mentioned) should be proclaimed by both players, in the comment section of the game's webpage. When the future round comes up, 3.2.2 is in effect.
3.2.6 When a game has been scheduled (or rescheduled), the players should inform the crew, so that the match details can be updated on the website.
3.2.7 If a game fails to get scheduled and/or played before the end of the round, and neither player submitted a comment as mentioned in 3.2.2, the game will be forfeited on account of both players. and only one player submitted a comment as mentioned in 3.2.2, the game will be forfeited in that player's favor. but both players were actively trying to schedule it in line with 3.2.2, the game will be forced accordingly to 3.2.8-10.
3.2.8 Players in a game that is pending to be forced, must submit new dates and times (procedure as in 3.2.1) no later than Wednesday the week after the round. Submitted dates and times must refer to Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday, the week after the round.
3.2.9 If one player provides considerably more dates and times than the other, that player may be favored when the game is forced.
3.2.10 Forced games will be scheduled to a reasonable time (considering both players� time zones, but around 18.30-23.30 local time during weekdays, and 11.00-23.30 during weekends) between Friday and Sunday. Date and time will only be announced through an update of the match details on the website, on Thursday.
3.2.11 Games in the last round, in the situation, will be forced to Friday, Saturday or Sunday in the last week of the round.
3.2.12 Players may reschedule a game that has been forced, if they are able to come to an agreement.
3.2.13 Failure to show up on a scheduled date and time will be interpreted as forfeiting the match.
3.2.14 Players should meet on IRC 30 minutes before the game. During this time they will make all the necessary preparations, such as agreeing on server(s), changing the server settings, etc.


3.3.1 During Edge League games, all players must use the nicknames under which they have signed up.
3.3.2 Only servers listed here are allowed. Games played elsewhere may not be considered official until replayed on an allowed server.
3.3.3 Both players are responsible for making sure that the game is carried out in the right way (as stated in section 5). For example, games with the wrong server settings are invalid, and will not be considered official until replayed.
3.3.4 Both players must always record demos, in order to abide by 3.4.1 and 3.4.2.
3.3.5 Both players must make screenshots of the maps� final scores, in order to abide by 3.4.3.
3.3.6 If a player is able to see the opponent�s team messages, he is expected to tell about it. This may only happen on Tourney servers.
3.3.7 ID mode turned on (showing the opponent�s name when aiming at him/her) during the game, may result in punishment, and possibly even a forfeit of each map where this was used.
3.3.8 Leaving a match prematurely � not finishing all maps � will be interpreted as forfeiting the remaining maps. The forfeiting player will receive a penalty of -1 points and -75 frags/map, as well as a number of warnings, as stated in section 7.2.
3.3.9 Leaving a map prematurely � not staying in the team until the time limit is hit � will be interpreted as forfeiting the map. The forfeiting player will receive a penalty of -75 frags added to the map score, as well as a number of warnings, as stated in section 7.2.


3.4.1 All players are forced to publish their POV demos, meaning their own recorded point of view (no spectator demos are valid), from all maps played.
3.4.2 Players must upload their demos to Demosquad, within 48 hours of the scheduled starting time of the game in question. Any degree of failure to do so may result in a number of warnings, as stated in section 7.2.
3.4.3 Before 12.00 CET the day after the game, both players are expected to provide an admin � either by email or IRC � with screenshots of each map�s final score, plus the order in which the maps were played. This as a step to lighten the work load for admins during season.



5.1.1 Map pool: q2dm1
5.1.2 Games during elimination phase and group stage are played best out of three maps (bo3).
5.1.3 Games during playoffs (except the grand final) are played best out of five maps (bo5).
5.1.4 The grand final is played best out of seven maps (bo7). The winners bracket winner has no map score advantage.
5.1.6 If the players are not able to agree on a neutral server, they may play the game �home/away�, meaning they each pick one server. The ping advantage on the first server must be similar to the ping advantage on the second.
5.1.7 Players have the right to refuse to play on non-European servers, but are encouraged not to.
5.1.12 When "home/away" in a playoff game, the third map (and the fifth in the grand final) is played on the server used for the first map, and the fourth map (and the sixth in the grand final) on the server used for the second map.
5.1.13 In case of a match tie when "home/away", the player who has earned the higher net value (own score minus opponent's score) in the match, may choose the server. This server must be one of the two servers used for the previous maps.
5.1.14 In the event of 5.1.13 and both players having the same net value, an old-fashioned "blaster fight" in the q2dm1 arena determines who will be given the benefits of otherwise having had the higher net value.
5.1.15 Games prior to semi-finals (a.k.a. 1/2 finals, in both brackets) may be played without a match admin being present and involved. 1/2 finals and so on may not.
5.1.16 A player may refuse a particular admin, if the neutrality of this admin is questioned - but never on the day of the match. The player must at the same time name the admin he/she wishes instead. The date and time for the match may then be decided by the other player and the admin (within the reasonable times mentioned in 3.2.10).
5.1.17 During one map, if a player holds the game for more than a total of 5 minutes, or calls more than two timeouts, he/she may get the map forced to a forfeit.
5.1.18 During one match, if a player holds the game for more than a total of 15 minutes, or calls more than four timeouts, he/she may get the match forced to a forfeit.
5.1.19 If a player overflows, the map is replayed with the time limit that was left plus three minutes. The scores from both parts of the map count. This rule does not apply if the overflowed player manages to return in time, to rejoin the team before the timeout has ended.
5.1.20 If the server crashes, the map is replayed with the time limit that was left plus three minutes. The scores from both parts of the map count.
5.1.21 If 5.1.19 or 5.1.20 happens when a player is in such a considerable lead that it is beyond all reasonable doubt that the other player will lose the map, the map will be considered completed with the score that was before the interruption.
5.1.22 Players may not touch buttons/lifts during countdown, since it may change the state of the map at the start. This is not an issue on OpenTDM servers.


Click here for a script to paste into your config, which will make it easier and faster to vote for the numerous server settings.

O = OpenTDM BG = Battleground

5.2.1 During group phase, non-OpenTDM servers are only allowed if 5.2.4 � 5.2.7 can be set.
5.2.2 During playoffs, only OpenTDM servers are allowed, with all the settings mentioned in 5.2.4 � 5.2.14.
5.2.3 On OpenTDM servers with curl interface activated, the EDL webconfig should always be loaded � �vote webconfig edl�. If that is possible, ignore 5.2.4 � 5.2.12.
5.2.4 Timelimit 15 min � O/BG: �vote tl 15�
5.2.7 Telemode, switchmode, dmflags, tp, etc, must be set to their �normal� values. Very seldom does this require any attention.
5.2.8 Tiemode overtime � O: �vote tiemode ot� / BG: �overtime timed 2� (admins only)
5.2.9 Overtime 2 min � O: �vote overtime 2� / BG: same as above
5.2.10 Spectator chat invisible � O: �vote chat 1� / BG: �obsmode whisper� (admins only)
5.2.11 All gameplay bugs fixed � O: �vote bugs 0� / BG: n/a
5.2.12 1v1/match mode on � O: �vote mode 1v1� / BG: �vote mode match�
5.2.13 ID should be disabled � O: n/a / BG: �vote disallow id�
5.2.14 Skins: male/grunt & female/athena. � O/BG: �teamskin male/grunt� (If the players can�t agree on who to wear which, home team will use female/athena and away team will use male/grunt.)


As mentioned in 3.3.2, only servers listed here are allowed.

To check players for anticheat status, modified files and Q2 client, type aclist.
To check players for Q2 client version, type !version. Note that this is only reliable if the given response corresponds with the client name (e.g. R1Q2) in the "aclist".

6.1 Bots, wallhacks, speedhacks, spiked models and any other kind of cheat is prohibited, and using it will result in both being kicked and banned from the league.
6.2 Valid Q2 clients: R1Q2, AprQ2, Q2PRO and EGL together with the anticheat.dll module (available on this website) and a valid renderer (like R1GL, default opengl or the software renderer).
6.3 If there is proof of a player cheating even outside of tournament activities, and the admins are able to verify this, the player is likely to be punished.
6.4 Any usage of a file that enables cheating, is not permitted.
6.5 In the event of an investigation into suspected cheating activities of a player, his incapability of providing requested material that may act as evidence (such as demos), will be interpreted against his favor.



7.1.1 Any violation of the rules may result in punishment.
7.1.2 A warning is a form of punishment.
7.1.3 Five warnings result in being kicked from the league.
7.1.4 Certain violations are considered severe enough to result in multiple warnings, or even directly being kicked from the league.
7.1.5 When removed from the league during elimination or group phase, all the player�s games (past and future within the season) are turned into forfeits (w/o) on his/her behalf.
7.1.6 Before the season is announced to be completed, any participating player can receive warnings for any activities related to the league. Meaning players can theoretically be kicked out of the league even after having finished their last game.
7.1.7 A player who is kicked from the league, forfeits any potential prize. The prize will be saved for next season instead.
7.1.8 Only the head admin or an admin is authorized to approve and issue a punishment. Match admins are not.
7.1.9 Only the head admin is authorized to kick a player from the league, meaning a player�s fifth warning must be approved by the head admin.


Click here to view the Edge League #3 Record of Warnings.

7.2.1 During group phase, forfeiting one map in a match may result in one warning.
7.2.2 During group phase, forfeiting more than one map in a match may result in two warnings.
7.2.3 During playoffs, forfeiting one map in a match may result in one or two warnings. If the map was at least 80% complete by the time of the forfeit, only one warning may be given.
7.2.4 During playoffs, forfeiting more than one map in a match may result in three warnings.
7.2.5 Any forfeiting in semi-finals, the bronze game, or the final, may result in any number of warnings.
7.2.6 A warning may be given for every single demo not uploaded accordingly to 3.4.2.
7.2.7 Multiple warnings may be given for every single demo, from a semi-final, the bronze game, or the final, not uploaded accordingly to 3.4.2.
7.2.8 Considerably bad, abusive and/or disrespectful behavior � in any relation to the league � may result in any number of warnings, depending on the degree.
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