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The Edge League season 22010-11-16 17:29 | Gerdt
Fellow quakers,

After a lot of requests during the last few months I decided to run the second edition of the Edge League.

The rules stay the same. Be sure to have read them carefully here. The only difference with last season is that there won't be invitations this time.

In short:
- best of 3 in the elimination and group stage
- best of 5 in the playoffs
- tl 15
- q2dm1 only!

Signups are open untill 30 november!

The league will start on the 1 december 2010 and will have a short break for christmas and new year.

We are also still looking for devoted matchadmins to make sure this league comes to an end as nice as the first edition. Message any admin in #edge.q2 for more information!

I want to wish good luck to everyone and I declare the signups for The Edge Leagueare now OPEN!

Join us in #edge.q2 on irc.quakenet.org.

2010-11-23 13:01 
why dont you sign-up syanid emo ,that will make the tournament more fun emo
2010-11-23 02:23 
bo5 tl 15, *YAAWWN*
2010-11-21 01:31 
More need to sign up !
I know, I know, there is plenty of time left.
But one major reason I believe is that there is NO info about the Edge League on the main site. So how will ppl know? Well, either because someone told them, someone heard it in irc, or by chance saw it on the edge site which is most unlikely many would just check it "in case" there is another season. So plzz, promote this awesome league on the actual q2scene.net Main Site and also preferably on other gaming sites ! This is one of the very few that is not limited to restrictions like countries. Other leagues is often based in an "area" like European Duel League, North American Duel League, Russian Duel League, BDL.. PTDL.. you name it! This is not European Edge League....or along that style....it is a universal league. Sure others CAN join for instance NADL or RDL and not to mention EDL (outside Europe) ... but this Edge League really doesn't state or say anything about that kind of restriction to the league name itself. So it feels more welcomed for really anybody across the world. Everyone knows about Edge if they know Quake2 - a bulletproof fact.

I would like to see more russian and american players to join. Of course there are a lot of more countries to mention. But perhaps the weirdest missing: Finnish players?!?! Join Up! Let's get this rollin' !

It would also be really nice to see some really old school players to sign up, even if they are not playing quake2 anymore. But just for this League, it would add a touch to it and make it even more interesting. For example, swedish Bubkez could join .. that would be cool. Ofc there are 100+ more examples of that kind.
But how will they know? Well some "might" check out q2scene.net for fun and then it helps with a statement of Edge League on the Main Page. Secondly, they may need to be contacted by --> you if you have some sort of contact with OLD School players, some which might be legendary today - imagine to get them into the league?! Send them an email, contact on irc, or on msn, icq, etc. etc. Let them at least know and try convince them. =)

And lastly,
It's time for you 'n00k1e' to also join! Yes you are mainly a jumper, or at least considered as one, but I know you are good enough....and well, I'm sure your jump skills will even come to aid in some situations like grabbing MH in an efficient way apart that it would look nice too. =)

Some of my cents...
2010-11-19 04:48 
2010-11-18 19:14 
Edge League !!! emo

emo Most unexpected !

I seriously hope this will turn out to be a massive league with a mix from top players to new players all over the world ! The Edge is the one map evry one likes, after all. emo

Delita: I hope you keep ur promise of participating if edge would ever come back!

Outstanding News!
2010-11-18 14:17 
good news Gerdt,happy to see the scene alive again with alot of tournaments emo
2010-11-18 12:25 
I may be admin this league if you want.
2010-11-18 01:08 
Too many Q2 leagues is a good sign if you ask me emo

2010-11-17 14:52 
After edl would mean january/february 2011.
And that's too late to start the elimination round.

But I'm sure you can find a free hour every week to play some.

Or consider EDL as practise for this league ;-)
2010-11-17 11:16 
I second that motion emo

Btw. is there any chance admins would make sure that few individuals who have a track record of failing to complete all matches in previous tournaments were barred from taking part? I mean, how many times can you guys let them spit in your faces (and regular players who can adhere to rules)?
2010-11-17 03:12 

Can't you make this after edl? Time is something that would be my issue to sign up to this.

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